
日记大全 > 句子大全

深入人心的句子 说到心坎(当一切尘埃落定 是时候回到原点了)

句子大全 2022-12-03 02:44:01


When the dust settles, it is time to return to the origin, andwhen you are in youth, who accompany me does not make a difference.


In the best years of life, there is no difference between youthand youth.


In the world without you, I locked myself in a city, listening tothe song of a pipa, drunk. The melodious pipa sound is sometimes low,sometimes husky. Sorrow is full of trouble, missing containshelpless.


Sigh, time is like water. Evoked scri le, drinking and irrigationvolume, wind that quiet time, engraved a say a change, fold theflowers into the water, the past have emerged, back at the trace ofthe worrying, lonely, lonely, in the vertical and horizontal blowingsongs of Xiao Ao, you can"t hold up the most, shadow track dark, howmany feelings in the dream, reflects the chardonnay at the time ofthe dust and the wave.


When the clouds and smoke dissipated, people got drunk and laydown, and the sunset clouds blew up over those years. Hearing thesong of xiao, the lake is red, grey cloud is bleak, I lie drunk infront of the court, cold.


Solo floating back to dream, still desolate emotive, to thearticle to send ink, where words desolate. Think about floating, now;Is already a thin shadow, tears in the mirror can not ask anyone.


Tonight, lonely flower rain all over the sky, sparse, quietlydrench in the world, with scars in the eyes, how many barren faces?How many Chinese years have you saved? And whether you are surprisedor not, behind the passing of time, there is an ancient story.


Miss and wander, whose dream are you in? In good times, wanderingin the melancholy beauty of Tang and Song poems, no one cried twolines.


I don"t know if the love words I wrote in my ordinary notes havefallen where you stay. The memory of the fingertips engravedvicissitudes of life, gentle glance, laughter left in the ear, arehidden in the passing years.
