
日记大全 > 句子大全

那些文艺而不烂俗的句子 句句温柔(甜到心房)

句子大全 2022-12-03 05:02:01

人生在世有分歧 所以要学会尊重他人。

There are differences in life, so learn to respect others.


To be a gentle person, because you have been treated as a gentle person, and deeply understand the feeling of being treated as a gentle person.


No matter how strange later, I hope you can live a good life

本来我是个不喜欢主动的人 尽管灵魂有趣 但不爱表达 还慢热

Originally, I didn"t like to take the initiative. Although my soul was interesting, I didn"t like to express myself, and my breath was slow


"My love for you will only increase, forever."

如果是非常爱的人 即使犯同样的错误也愿意

People who love very much are willing to make the same mistake again

哪里突然好想你 明明就一直在心里

Where suddenly I miss you so much, you are in my heart

遇见正确的人 那你就是受宠爱的小朋友

Meet the right person, you are a beloved child


I will miss you when you don"t know

不能忘记那一天我是多么的崩溃 难过得整个人都在颤抖喘,也许会过去,但是造成的伤害永远不会抹去

Can"t forget that day I was how the collapse, sad the whole person is shaking and panting, breath may pass, but the damage will never happen

心底曾想放弃你一万次 可是当被牵紧被抱住的那一秒 我才发现原来这一万次只会是一个假设

At the bottom of my heart, I wanted to give up you 10000 times, but when I was held tightly, I found that this 10000 times would only be a hypothesis

之后还算释怀明白了 告别是一件经常发生的事情 大家都会不断认识的人 也会跟重要的或不重要的人说再见

And then I was relieved to understand that goodbye is a common thing that happens. People who will always know each other will say goodbye to important or unimportant people


Everyone knows I"m you
