
日记大全 > 句子大全

朋友圈分手后伤感的句子 句句悲伤(催人泪下)

句子大全 2022-12-04 07:30:01


Accidentally, I was moved, accidentally, you found out, accidentally, I confessed, accidentally, you refused. Yeah, it"s all accidental, you are just a game, an accidental game.


And today I saw that you liked the birthday gift I bought you so much, I was so happy, but I chose more than a little bit before choosing it, my choice phobia, but the next day I was sleepy and was named, and you still laughed I, really, will give you a washboard in the future to keep you on your knees.


When he had it, he pushed him away. Now I want to cherish it. I find that there are only memories struggling in the past. Look forward to strangers. We can"t keep them, they are looking for them! Let the past become good memories, scars and growth, just pass by him as a passerby!


Nothing does not require a process. All results are made up of every process. So no matter who you will meet in the future, go through it and don"t omit any process to get a good result.


It was very good before. Someone joked that we are a couple. You are not angry. I touched your hand. You are not disgusted. Why do you suddenly feel that I am annoyed and stay away? Is it just my wishful thinking before? You let me sit every time I eat Beside you, why, is this all I think too much? Sorry! I make it impossible for my friends

6、遇到了一个和自己极为相似的男生,性格、爱好、脾气、说话的口气 ,我们一起吃饭喝酒睡觉,我才发现原来自己刻薄的样子, 喝多的样子,放狠话的时候,真的非常讨厌很伤人,太相似的人不适合生活,各自快乐各自倔强各有想法,不容改变明天过后咱们俩继续各自流浪吧。

I met a boy who was very similar to myself, with personality, hobbies, temper and tone of speech. We ate, drank and slept together, and then I found out that I was mean and drunk. When I said malicious words, I really hated and hurt people. People who are too similar are not suitable for life, and they are happy and stubborn. We should not change our own ideas. Let"s continue to wander after tomorrow.


I"ve always been like this, but I"m very dedicated when I"m dedicated, but I always like ambiguity, and I"m with more than one person, which may be very embarrassing, but in fact, both sides are not aware of it and acquiesce? Each other also has several ambiguous objects, and they don"t have the right and birthright to ask and care. You don"t give your heart, so do I, too.


I miss myself who was once carefree. Now, sometimes I feel that I can"t see the light of the future, so depressed and helpless, and I don"t know the direction of my efforts. It seems that I have been living for my family and friends all the time, and I repeat it like a mechanical puppet every day.


I used to never think that I would live like this. My friends who used to walk together went further and further, only to find that there is no one to tell the truth. I always have to disguise myself. It seems that I am an adult in the eyes of others and mature in the eyes of others. Why don"t I want to be that carefree teenager again?


A very gentle person, if you delete him, he will come and say sorry to you. It was not his fault, but he said sorry to you. I lost such a nice person. But what doesn"t belong to me will leave after all
