
日记大全 > 句子大全

不开心时看的沙雕句子 搞笑逗趣(越看越开心)

句子大全 2022-12-06 04:17:01


I really don"t understand why you always try to stand in a bright place every night. Later, I was reminded that you wanted to be a pig that night!


I forgot to bring my mobile phone when I went out in the morning. When I went home at noon, my mobile phone showed a message sent by my mother: son, I forgot to bring your mobile phone.


Husband affectionately asked his wife: baby, what do you want me to give you on Valentine"s day? Wife affectionately said: you send what I like. Husband: I"ll take you home.


In fact, the ancients were optimistic. They spent a little time thinking about how to live forever. After a busy day, modern people calm down and fall asleep in bed. There are only four words in their heart: don"t want to live.


The teacher asked: "there is a kind of horse in the world, which is composed of black and white. What kind of horse is it?" Xiaoming: "QR code!" Teacher: get out


Holding the hand of the son, we know that the son is ugly, with tears streaming down our face. If the son does not go, I will go.

过安检被拦了下来,说我持有刀具,我莫名其妙,我问哪有刀? 安检说:你的美丽会变成刺向别人的刀。

After the security check, I was stopped and said that I had a knife. I was baffled. I asked where I had a knife? Security said: your beauty will become a knife to stab others.


My mother gave birth to two daughters, I look plain, but my sister is beautiful, asked my mother: why so unfair? My mother replied: the first batch of goods, no experience, the quality is poor.

人到中年,就是一部西游记!悟空的压力,八戒的身材,老沙的发型,唐僧的磨 叽!还离西天越来越近了。

Middle age is a journey to the West! Wukong"s pressure, Bajie"s figure, laosha"s hairstyle, Tang Monk"s Moji! It"s getting closer to the West.


You say I look good, I can bear it, but please don"t say my friends, they have nothing to do with it.


I used to be very thin, and I will be very thin in the future, so I"ll put on weight for a while now, otherwise my life will not be complete.


I heard that there was radiation next to the pillow when I put my sleeping cell phone. I got up and threw the pillow away, which scared me to death.


You smell like her perfume. If you dare to meet her again, please ask me the perfume link.


I envy you for having so many lipsticks, Armani today and Lancome tomorrow; For people like me, I have to kiss couplets when I go out.


