
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2022-12-06 04:58:01


A lifetime is not long. Don"t complain about your reputation. Life is short. Don"t put off your practice. It"s a simple path, but you can"t be too nice and perfunctory.


Everyone has their own love story. What belongs to others, what belongs to oneself, what he does not understand, what he gives up, what he leaves, what he cares about, what he puts down, do not belong to love, but to the story.


We always have to go through some bad days before everything gets better. These days may take a long time or just wake up. Sometimes it takes more courage to choose happiness.


Grief and pain are not the same thing. Can not see clearly is painful, can not see clearly is sad. Sad people are often strong, but pain makes people weak.


Smiling doesn"t cost money, but it can create wealth. Praise doesn"t cost money, but it generates power. Sharing doesn"t have to be much, but it can increase happiness.


When they dare to act recklessly, they gamble with their lives, confident in their own power and convinced that bold risk-taking is the only way.


In the final analysis, everyone"s sorrow in life is his own business and has nothing to do with others. Pleasure or pain can be shared, but pain is hard to share -- it is everyone"s instinct to run away from unhappiness.


Youth civilization and struggle civilization also struggle with environment, times and experience. Therefore, young people are the jade of life, the fountain of life, the source of life.


Be thankful It"s not a struggle, but a drop of water pierces a stone. Conscience is not deprived, but tolerance, silence, not lazy, able to let go, do good for others, you are helping yourself.


I"d rather be alone than with someone who doesn"t fit in. Don"t deliberately maintain the relationship to make yourself more hypocritical.


Everyone has weaknesses, everyone has shortcomings, everyone has sincerity, everyone has losses. Later, I learned that the world is so big and people are fickle.


It"s been quite a year. This could be the beginning of a nightmare. It can also be the biggest obstacle many people face in life.


Obviously, you were the first to approach me, but I was the last to give up. Perhaps, deep love is always betrayed. Only thin love will be missed to bone.


My hometown has become a dot, always in my heart. The farther away from home, the bigger and brighter the dot. However, I don"t want to go back to face strange people and things.
