
日记大全 > 句子大全

希望每个人都能做自己的句子 超级落寞(让人想哭)

句子大全 2022-12-06 07:13:01


After years, you will thank the person who made you excellent. Perhaps she has given you pain, but when you look back, you will be the same as you are!


If one day you like someone else, just go, I don’t keep you, I just freeze a good time once and keep it in my mind forever.


Your time is not good, nothing is good, don’t add me anymore, you and I will never go back, chat for two seconds every day, only obediently take you out of the address book, never contact again!


A close friend can"t forget it for a lifetime, so why are you willing to delete you? Stop talking stupid, are you stimulating me!


Like and love are not the same, they are two concepts. A person who has filled his heart will no longer love others in this life, you know?


Wait until the day when you have another hand in hand, and then consider whether you will find it for the rest of your life... Lifetime words will no longer be private to you. May you be healthy, safe, happy, happy, happy and happy!


I don’t want to play boring games with anyone. Who is the boy born in the 60s, the boy born in the 70s, and who is the girl secretly in love with? Don’t underestimate the sensitive ability of a woman. You don’t need your real name, but add it with a fake She knew it all three times!


I have exchanged my thoughts with you many times. In the end, how did you feel that you are a man and you play with me. Although I don"t like to be angry, I am really angry this time. It is a woman who shows her true face. Let me see!
