
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2022-12-08 05:41:02

我想去取一下行李,请稍等。 我要和你结婚。

I"d like to pick up my baggage. Just a moment, please. I want to marry you.

我认为你的本质是书。 否则,为什么我越读越想睡觉?

I think your essence is a book. Otherwise, why do I feel sleepy the more I read?


In front of you, I am not only considerate, I am also considerate.

最近有传言说我喜欢你。 我会弄清楚的。 那不是谣言。

There"s been a rumor lately that I like you. I"ll find out. That"s not a rumor.


I like you yesterday, and I like you today. Every day I have a hunch that I like you.


I don"t think you"d think so if the firecracker went off again on the thirtieth.

你知道和星星有什么不同吗? 星星在天上,你在我心里

You know what"s the difference between a star and a star? Stars are in the sky, you are in my heart

这是西装。 这是迷彩服。 你是我的小幸福。

It"s a suit. This is camouflage. You are my little happiness.

今天不洗澡也可以吗? 为什么? 因为最近很流行吃脏包。

Is it okay not to shower today? Why is that? Because eating dirty buns is all the rage these days.

我还是喜欢你。 像小时候一样吃辣,不看日期。

I still like you. Eating spicy food like I did when I was a kid, not looking at the date.

我很好。 我可以扛米袋,扛煤气罐,但我不能想你。

I"m fine. I can carry rice bags and gas canisters, but I can"t think of you.


This is a bow and arrow, this is a rocket, you are my sweet candy.

你是我的玫瑰。 你是我的花。 小鸟的爱情只向你炫耀。

You are my rose. You are my flower. The bird"s love shows only to you.


Pig hit a tree, you hit my heart.

我想吃杯面。 什么样的面? 在你心里。

I"d like a cup of noodles. What kind of noodles? In your heart.

我很能干,但有一件事不能做。 什么事? 我不会离开你。

I"m capable, but there"s one thing I can"t do. What"s the matter? I"m not leaving you.


Even if I don"t say anything, I want you to understand me.


In fact, the world"s most happy fairy tale is just spend with you years of fuel.


I feel like holding your hand, no matter where you are, is like running to heaven.

如果你愿意的话,我爱你。 如果你不愿意的话,我单恋。 你高兴吗?

I love you if you want me to. If you don"t want me to, I"m unrequited. Are you happy?
