
日记大全 > 句子大全

励志走心的经典句子 充满哲理(引人深思)

句子大全 2022-12-10 06:42:01


Goodbye is a polite and recognizable term.


Silence is the most irresistible atmosphere. It was as if themerciful hand of God had taken it away, and there was only a chill ofsolitude in the air.


A handwriting in the years, even if meaningless, is a long time toexist.


The cold air becomes wind and it crosses the distance between twopeople. This distance. You can put too much stuff in.


We are not familiar with each other. After a chance encounter in anarrow world, the person controlling the chance border is removed,and the surrounding area is restored to vastness in an instant.However, the pace of the approach is much faster than the rapidexpansion of the world. What can you do but watch each other growfurther apart?


Imagine the simple good times enjoyed by young people of differentstyles. When the old lights, the weather-beaten handwriting, and thestiff fingers could no longer write, the soft life that was revivedin two beams of pale green sunlight was just beginning.


There are too many external events happening outside of us.Although the internal cause is still growing in our own hearts, itsseeds, flowers, and fruits are hidden from our sight, covering otherpeople"s lives with infinite gentleness and beauty.


Words that sound artistic and profound, like "heartache,""despair," and "sadness," are not noble at all.


Perhaps think carefully, you can slowly recall some of the big andsmall things, but after all, still with all the edges and corners ofthe memory wear, become dull in the past. You don"t feel everythingyou feel when you step on it.


The magnificent and beautiful things that do not belong to youwill not become yours with the change of time. They still like to beon someone else"s TV, they"re irrelevant off screen.


Where there"s a scar, there"s a scar that doesn"t run away, butthere are factors that can persist around and within new skin.


All the fluids in the body suddenly merge into a vast ocean, andwhen they flow together somewhere, it upends the earth"s originalaxis. Even such a dramatic change seems to be no match for the moodof psychological alternation and instant confusion.


I felt dizzy, not with pure sadness, not with pure anger, not withany of the emotions one would expect to have, but with theincomprehensible fact that I was at a loss, at a loss. I don"t knowif I should be sad, HOW I should be sad, how I should be angry, how Ishould be angry, can not help when how terrible, pressing my heart.


Because of this incredible event, the grasslands suddenly grew upin winter, covering the whole sky with fish, the southern mountainsbecame lakes overnight, the innumerable marshes became deserts out ofthin air, and suddenly came to their own people, so that they couldno longer move forward. Or, those very close to their owntemperature, so specific, so clear, so constant, suddenlydisappeared.


Turns out, the world can bend the body 180 degrees.


Everything I ever thought was just "I thought."


I was afraid to watch the practice, because I was afraid to keepthis moment in my heart for a long time. Without time, every detailis like a ship without an anchor, and you don"t know where to drift.But in fact, even without looking at the clock, Yao remembers all thedetails for a long time.
