
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2022-12-12 03:47:01

世界上最大的谎言就是你不行 不走心的努力都是在敷衍自己

The biggest lie in the world is that you can"t. The effort not to go is to perfunctory yourself

别让生活蹂躏了咱们的眉目和热情 生活是你自己的 尽情享受

Don"t let life ravage our eyebrows and passions

不是井里没有水 而是你挖的不够深 不是成功来得慢 而是你努力得不够狠

It"s not that there"s no water in the well, it"s that you don"t dig deep enough, it"s not that success is slow, it"s that you"re not trying hard enough

没有人会为你的贫穷负责 却有人为你的富有而喝彩 不要活在别人的嘴巴里 做好自己

No one"s responsible for your poverty, but someone cheers on your wealth, don"t live in someone else"s mouth and be yourself

有路就大胆地去走 有梦就大胆去飞翔 前行的路不怕万人阻挡 只怕自己投降

There is a road to go boldly to go, dream on the bold to fly the road forward is not afraid of millions of people blocking only afraid of their surrender

我们没有向生活妥协 那就迎接一切的星光璀璨 总会苦尽甘来

We don"t compromise on life, then we"ll meet all the starlights

没有一颗心会因为追求梦想而受伤当你真心渴望某样东西时 整个宇宙都会来帮忙

No heart is hurt by the pursuit of dreams When you really desire something, the whole universe will come to help

人们常常通过痛苦才得到快乐 一直在无论怎么样都会过去的 末来都是崭新的

People often get happiness through pain, and it"s always going to be new anyway

