
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2022-12-12 06:32:01


Good morning , dear judges. I am number____,applying for ____(primary school/juniormiddle school) English teacher. today ,my topic is ____.Now, I will begin my lesson.


T: Before our class, I will divide students into_____ groups, _____ is group one , _____ is group two. when we play games, I will (give a star)to the better group, clear?

一、导入( Lead-in/warming-up)



T: Before the class , let’s look at some pictures /(watch a video on the screen. )When it is over,you should tell me: What can you see from the pictures?/(you should tell me what it is about.)Let’s begin. Time is up. Who can answer my question? John, please.

S: ……

T: Good job! It describes ________. sit down, please. Today we will learn a new lesson about________.And you can know more about it after we finish the lesson.


T: Before our class,let’s sing a song together. Follow me ,clap your hands……(唱四五句即可)

二、 新授(Presentation&practice )


1.讲 讲单词:


T: Now, I will show some pictures on the screen, you can describe it in English.


T: yes, it’s _______. It can also be expressed in English .

2.练 练单词:

活动一:教师领读单词,领读方式包括小组长领读、教师领读(升降调)、one by one等。

T: Now I will invite 2 students read the new words and other students should follow them.

Clear?Who can have a try?/Now,let’s read the new words,you should read it one by one.

活动二:教师带领学生玩游戏,游戏方式包括大小声游戏、pass the ball 等。

T:Now let’s play a game_______.(如①High and low voice 游戏:If I read_____(大声),

you should read ________(小声) ,If I read_____(大声),you should read ________(小声)

②pass the ball 游戏:When I say start,you should pass the ball one by one,When I say stop,the

one who gets the ball should read the new words.)

3.讲 讲句子:教师引导学生带着问题听录音(文章大意/文章讲了什么事?),并找出本节课重点句子(或者创设情景,引出新句子),教师对其进行讲解。

T: now, listen to the tape, and then you should tell me “what are they talking about in the tape?/who can retell this dialogue?” Now, let’s listen……Stop here,…

T:If you want to ________,how to say?

T:OK , I will tell you ,you can say ________,you can answer ________.(完成句子讲解)

4.练 练句子 :教师引导学生通过同桌之间对话、造句的方式进行句子练习。(或者各小组一问一答,然后交换的方式进行练习,如 Group1 ask, Group2 answer,then exchange.)

T:Now, I will give you 5minutes to make dialogue by use the new words and new sentence with your deskmate.

(停顿几秒)time is up, who can have a try? you and your deskmate, please.


主要分为三个部分:skimming, scanning, careful-reading.



T: Look at the screen, there are some questions for you, I will give you___ minutes, read the

passage quickly, Then tell me the main idea of the passage, and answer this question. clear? Let’s


T:Ok,time is up. Who can answer this question? Volunteer?

T: yes, it talks about __________________.The answer is _______________.



T: Now, I will give you___ minutes, read the passage again, find out the main words and

sentence of each paragraph/(this article).

T:ok, stop here. Who can have a try?……yes, it’s _______ , _______. It means_______,________. (完成单词讲解)。And if you want to ________,how to say? you can say________,you can answer ________.(完成句子讲解).

T:Now, I will give you ______ minutes to make dialogue by use the new words and new sentence with your partner.(停顿几秒)time is up, who can have a try? you and your deskmate, please.

3.careful reading

精读时引导学生听录音再读文章并回答 2-3 个问题,如果学生回答不完整,教师及时进行引导,补充。以便学生更好的掌握本篇文章主要内容。

T: Now,listen to the tape and read the passage carefully,and answer this question on thescreen. (如:at first paragraph I will give ss a question for T or F /the second paragraph give aquestion for selection./ paragraph 3 make a chart and let the Ss fill in the chart with correct answers.2-3 个即可)

T:stop here, Have you got it?……you, please.……The first is________,……

三、 巩固练习(Consolidation)



T:I will divide you into_____ groups and give you _____ minutes ,you should do a survey about _____in your group to practice the conversation, after _____ minutes, _____groups should give a performance.

T:_____ group do the best, you get the star .

四、 小结(Summary)


T: who can make a summary for us?


T:yes,we have learned this new words________ and sentence ________,and we should


五、 作业(Homework)


Look at the screen, there are two homework for you:

(1)listen to the recording and imitate reading aloud .

(2)talk with your parents use the new words and sentences.

Class is over , see you tomorrow. Bye-bye

That’s all for my class. Thanks for your listening. Can I clean the blackboard?
