
日记大全 > 句子大全

怼人不带脏字的句子 超狠(超解气)

句子大全 2022-12-12 06:49:01

1. 真羡慕你脸上的皮肤,保养的真厚。

I envy the skin on your face. It"s so thick.

2. 见到你之后,我才发现,丑可以这么具体。

After seeing you, I realized that ugliness can be so specific.

3. 如果百度搜不到你,试试搜狗。

If Baidu can"t find you, try Sogou.

4. 把你眼屎擦干净了,看清楚再说。

Wipe your eyes clean and see.

5. 你是古玩城老板吗,看谁都叫宝贝。

Are you the owner of the antique city? Look at everyone"s name is baby.

6. 咸鱼翻身,还是咸鱼。

Salted fish turn over or salted fish.

7. 拿你当人的时候,你尽量装得像一点。When you"re human, you try to act like it.

8. 那些泼过我冷水的人,迟早有一天我会烧开了还给你们。

Those who have poured cold water on me, sooner or later I will boil it and return it to you.

9. 我会给你留面子,也希望你长脑子。

I"ll save you face, and I hope you find a brain.

10. 我又不是回收垃圾的,你回来关我什么事?

I"m not a garbage collector. What do I care if you come back?

11. 如果你觉得我哪里做的不对,请一定要告诉我,反正我也不会改,你不要憋出病来。

If you think what I did wrong, please be sure to tell me, anyway, I will not change, you do not want to get sick.

12. 像你这种人,在我导演的连续剧里,我最多能让你活两集。

People like you, in a series I direct, I can keep you alive for two episodes at most.
