
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2022-12-15 03:04:01



一、 被动语态的构成


1. 被动语态的肯定句

2. 被动语态的否定句

3. 被动语态的一般疑问句

4. 被动语态的特殊疑问句



1. 适用于被动语态的情况

2. 主动语态不能变为被动语态的情况

3. 被动语态与系表结构的区别



典型例句:Many people speak English.(主动语态)

English is spoken by many people.(被动语态)(许多人说英语。)

一、 被动语态的构成



1. 被动语态的肯定句


The child is well loved by people.(这个孩子很招人喜爱。)

People in the world are influenced by Confucius" thoughts.(世界上的人们受到孔子思想的影响。)

2. 被动语态的否定句

句型:主语+be not+过去分词+(by...).

Mark Twain isn"t known as a great thinker.(马克·吐温并不是作为伟大的思想家而闻名于世。)

The battery wasn"t charged yesterday.(电池昨天没有充电。)

3. 被动语态的一般疑问句


Was The Adventures of Tom Sawyer written by Mark Twain?(《汤姆·索亚历险记》是马克·吐温写的吗?)

A: Were Spiderman and Batman made into television plays?(《蜘蛛侠》和《蝙蝠侠》都被制作成了电视剧吗?)

B: Yes, they were.(是的。)/No, they weren"t.(不,不是的。)

4. 被动语态的特殊疑问句


A: What language is spoken in China?(在中国讲什么语言?) B: Chinese.(汉语。)

A: Who was the flying saucer invented by?(飞碟是由谁发明的?)B: It was invented by college students.(它是由大学生发明的。)

A: When was the telephone invented?(电话是什么时候发明的?)B: It was invented in 1876.(它是1876年被发明的。)



主动句:The naughty boy(主语)broke(谓语)the window(宾语)yesterday(状语).

被动句:The window(主语)was broken(谓语)by the naughty boy(介词短语)yesterday(状语).



He(主语)sold(谓语)some of the fish(宾语)yesterday(状语).(昨天他卖掉了一部分鱼。)

→Some of the fish(主语)were sold(谓语)by him(宾语)yesterday(状语).(昨天一部分鱼被他卖掉了。)

They(主语)don"t use(谓语)the room(宾语).(他们未使用这个房间。)

→The room(主语)is not used(谓语)by them(宾语).(这个房间未被他们使用。)


Did Tom(主语)use(谓语)it(宾语)?(汤姆用过它吗?)

→Was it(主语)used(谓语)by Tom(宾语)?(它被汤姆用过吗?)

Where did you(主语)make(谓语)that dress(宾语)?(你在哪儿做的那件衣服?)

→Where was that dress(主语)made(谓语)(by you)(宾格)?(那件衣服是在哪儿做的?)


1. 适用于被动语态的情况

A. 不知道或无需知道谁是动作的执行者时,使用被动语态。

Plato"s work are called The Dialogues.(柏拉图的作品被称为《对话录》。)

The book was written for Chinese children.(这本书是为中国儿童编写的。)

Printing was developed greatly at the beginning of the 11th century.(印刷术在11世纪初期有了很大发展。)

B. 需要突出或强调动作的强调者时,使用被动语态。

His skill at hurdling was noticed by his coach.(他在跨栏赛跑方面的技能被他的教练注意到了。)

Basketball was invented by an American teacher named James Naismith.(篮球运动是由一位名叫詹姆斯·奈史密斯的美国老师发明的。)

2. 主动语态不能变为被动语态的情况


A. 当宾语是反身代词时

The man introduced himself as Mr. Parker.(那个人自我介绍说他是帕克先生。)

I found myself in the park.(我不知不觉来到公园里。)

B. 当谓语是表状态的及物动词时

Does the pair of new shoes suit you?(那双新鞋你穿着合适吗?)

We will have a meeting.(我们将开个会。)


A meeting will be held. A meeting will be had.

3. 被动语态与系表结构的区别


The letter was written yesterday.(信是昨天写的。)(动作)

The letter is written in English.(这封信是用英文写的。)(特点)

The store was closed at five.(这个商店5点钟关门。)(动作)

The store is closed today.(这个商店今天不开门。)(状态)


My bike got stolen.(我的自行车被偷了。)(got代替was)


1、A: Mom, can I go out to play basketball? B: Sure. But your homework __________ first.

正确解析:主语your homework是谓语动词finish的承受者,所以用含有情态动词的被动语态结构“情态动词+be+过去分词”。正确答案为A。

2、A: Would you like to go to the movie with me? B: Sorry, I __________ to go out tonight.

正确解析:be allowed to do sth. 意为“被允许做某事”。一般将来时被动语态的否定结构是“will not be+过去分词”。正确答案为A。

3、Mike, you __________ on the phone.


4、A number of trees __________ around Beijing every year. Our environment is getting better and better.

正确解析:由every year可知用一般现在时;由主语a number of trees是谓语动词的承受者可知用被动语态。正确答案为B。

【 实力测验】

1. 用括号中动词的适当形式填空

1. English __________ (speak) here.

2. The song __________ (like) by us all twenty years ago.

3. The pictures __________ (take) by Jack tomorrow.

4. The computer __________ (can use) in the room.

5. The room __________ (paint) now.

6. That clock __________ (call) Big Ben.

7. She __________ (laugh) by her classmates recently.

8. What language __________ (speak) in your country?

9. School football games __________ usually __________ (hold) on Friday evenings.

10. The film __________ (show) again sometime next week.

2. 变换句型

1. Many people visited Nara.

Nara __________ __________ by many people.

注:Nara [nɑr] n. 奈良(日本一座城市)

2. Miss Ding teaches us English.

English __________ __________ by Miss Ding.

3. We call her Grace.

She __________ __________ Grace.

4. When did they make these cars?

When __________ these cars made?

5. My uncle gave me some English books.

Some English books __________ __________ to me by my uncle.

I __________ __________ some English books by my uncle.

6. People called him "clever" Hans.

He __________ __________ __________ __________.

7. I was encouraged by my parents.

My parents __________ __________.

3. 选择题

1. The Olympic Games ___________ every four years.

A. are held B. were held C. are holding D. will hold

2. In the art show, a lot of enjoyment ___________ to foreign friends by the Chinese paintings.

A. is giving B. is given C. will give D. has given

3. Today Chinese is becoming more and more popular. It _________ in many schools around the world.

A. teaches B. is teaching C. has taught D. is taught

4. Ba Jin, one of the greatest writers in China, ________ as "People"s Writer".

A. is regarded B. has regarded C. is regarding D. regards

(regard 将…认为;把…视为;看待)

5. Usually computers _________ to search the Internet.

A. use B. are using C. are used D. used

6. --Do you often clean your classroom? --Yes. Our classroom __________ every day.

A. clean B. cleans C. is cleaned

7. --Did you hear that water in Tai Lake smelt terrible?

--Yes. In fact, it ____. That"s all because of the people and the factories around.

A. polluted B. was polluted C. has polluted D. was pollute

8. Many trees and flowers ______ in our school last year, and they made our school a beautiful garden.

A. plant B. planted C. have planted D. were planted

9. Some famous paintings __________ in the hall next week.

A. will show B. were shown C. is shown D. will be shown

10. A talk on developments in science and technology __________ in the school hall next week .

A. given B. will be given C. has been given D. gives




3. 1-5 ABDAC 6-10 CBDDB
