
日记大全 > 句子大全

发朋友圈会让人落泪的句子 很伤感也很走心(看完后满满都是眼泪)

句子大全 2022-12-15 05:11:01


I don’t believe in other places. Kids know that the boy who eats with you and buys milk tea for you and the boy who can only tell you to eat well, which one of you is more touched, calling on the phone all night will be annoying. I will dream of it, I have been chased by others, and I am obsessed with the gentleness within reach. I am even more afraid that you will be angry and sad, and it is him who comforts you, and I don"t even know.

2、她是那么坚强,却只在他面前露出自己脆弱的一面,他也只偏爱她一人 可是爱一个人哪有那么容易。热恋期的激情逐渐消退,取之替代的就是双方磨合中的矛盾,冷战过后的隔阂。再到后来,她也慢慢的不对他唠叨了,他也厌倦了这样无味的生活,就像风一样,只是擦肩而过,却带走了所有美好回忆。

She is so strong, but she only shows her fragile side in front of him, and he only prefers her alone, but loving someone is so easy. The passion of the passionate love period gradually faded. What replaced it was the contradiction between the two sides running-in, and the estrangement after the Cold War. Later, she slowly stopped nagging him, and he was tired of such a tasteless life, just like the wind, just passing by, but taking away all the good memories.

3、其实你往前走了多久我就目送了多久,过了这么久我还一直傻傻地站在这里,原地一动不动,来过我身边的所有人他们都还是替代不了你。我今天才知道原来你已经走到我看不见的地方了,才明白我也该往前走了 ,只不过我是转身走,再也不会走向那个你走的方向了。

In fact, I watched you as long as you walked forward. After so long, I still stood here stupidly, motionless, everyone who came to me still couldn"t replace you. I realized today that you have already walked to a place that I can’t see, and I realized that I should also go forward, but I turned around and I would never go in the direction you were going.


Memory tells me that love is real, but reality says that we will never have each other again in this life. Time will dilute all memories, and hard work will make the past reality not worth mentioning. Only the two years that we have deepened with love have finally become wind-like time.


You might as well love me boldly, don"t guess anything, I will be even better than you think. Just love me and I will do the rest


I told him that I don’t love anymore, but how could it be... Silence is my pretense, and indifference is also my pretense, I love you, but I know we can’t be together. Different mentality will only get tired. I was standing on the 13th floor and looking at the city that day. Every street I saw was the shadow of our fight. I tried to search for every moment when you were there, but I knew that things were People are no longer, you are gone, life and you have pushed me into the abyss.


He went to the army last year. At that time, we all believed that we would wait until the day of marriage, but we all seemed to underestimate the power of time. Then I worked. He judged my life from the heart of a student. I suddenly understood Our distance, but love, reluctant, entangled for more than a month or separated.


Like the wind means that although I can"t see you, I can feel you, just like the oncoming wind in spring, with the smell of grass, like the wind in autumn and the fragrance of osmanthus. Even if it’s too cold in winter, it’s too hot in summer


I am also a person who can"t speak, but I will try my best to accompany you and let myself say something in order to be closer to you, instead of just forgetting what to say. You must not know that every time I send you paragraph after paragraph, I have thought about it for a long, long time. It’s just like now. It took me a full hour and I would be overwhelmed in a few minutes in the comments that I was sad. Won"t let you see


I loved someone before, that was two years ago, now think about it, I was so stupid at the time, I thought a boy thought that coaxing you back and shed tears was just loving you, huh~, reality is given I have a big slap. He broke up because of his cheating. It is not so sad in retrospect, but I was at that time, hiding in the bed at night and almost crying blind, haha.
