
日记大全 > 句子大全

痛到无法呼吸的句子 直戳心窝(只想大哭一场)

句子大全 2022-12-16 04:35:01


The world is so strange. People who want to live well are forced to die, and those who want to die are advised to live well. Therefore, no one is half dead.

2.你要明白有的风景只适合欣赏不适合收藏 就像有些人只适合遇见却不适合久伴.

You have to understand that some landscapes are only suitable for appreciation but not for collection, just as some people are only suitable for meeting but not suitable for long-term company

3.你到底要遇到多少人 才知道我是最好的

How many people do you have to meet to know I"m the best

4.我仔细想了想我好像没什么朋友 也没有人很爱我 我的心突然就空了 原来我那么孤独 茫茫人海原来我只有自己.

I think about it carefully. I don"t seem to have any friends and no one loves me very much. My heart suddenly emptied. I was so lonely and boundless that I had only myself

5.会遇到的 在他没来之前 你也一定要活成自己想要的样子

You have to live as you want before he comes

6.要是有机会 我想和你一起喝珍珠奶茶 一起听音乐 一起回家 一起走回家的路.

If I have a chance, I would like to drink pearl milk tea with you, listen to music, go home and walk home together


Love at first sight, but the color of the intention, love, but weigh the pros and cons, grow old together, is only habit.


It should be to get strength and happiness from likingInstead of spending all your strength and happiness to like it
