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句子大全 2022-12-16 05:12:01

1.衔接性 Cohesion


2.衔接性方法 Cohesion Methods


1. Reference 引用

在英语中有些名词有具体的指代性,也就是说这个单词本身是没有意义的,但是他们指代或引用别的名词就有具体的意义了, 比如he, she, they。

These theories all stem from some underlying assumptions about people. To a large extent unproven, they tend to represent the dominant mood or climate of opinion at that time. Schein has classified them as follows, and it is interesting to note that the categories follow each other in a sort of historical procession, starting from the time of the industrial revolution.

这里的 they, them 是全部指代 These theories 。

2. Substitution and ellipsis 替代和省略

代换(S ubstitution )是指用一项代替另一项,省略( Elipsis )则是指省略可能重复的内容。使用这个方法可以让我们避免重复使用一个词。

Some of the water which falls as rain flows on the surface as streams. Another part is evaporated. The remainder sinks into the ground and is known as groundwater.

这个句子里是全部围绕water, "Another part" 指代的是 "Another part of the water" , The remainder" 则是说的 "The remainder of the water"。

3. Conjunction 连接词

连词( Conjunction )是为了表示每个句子之间的关系,是为了展示了接下来发生的事情是如何与之前发生的事情相联系的。

The whole Cabinet agreed that there should be a cut in the amount that the unemployed were receiving; where they disagreed was in whether this should include a cut in the standard rate of benefit. The opposition parties, however, were unwilling to accept any programme of economies which did not involve a cut in the standard rate of benefit.

这里的“however”这个词表明这个陈述与之前的观点相反。别的连词使用可以参考Quentin之前发的文章昆汀学术英语之指标语 Signposting Language

4. Anaphoric nouns 回指名词

回指名词( Anaphoric nouns )是指是作者可以使用一个具体的名词总结前段的内容进而连接前后关系。

Moulds do not usually grow fast, and conditions had to be found in which large quantities of Penicillium notatum could be produced as quickly as they were wanted. The solution to this problem was helped by N. G. Heatley, a young biochemist also from Hopkins"s laboratory in Cambridge, who had been prevented by the outbreak of war from going to work in the Carlsberg laboratories in Copenhagen.

‘this problem’在概括第一句的内容,从而提供了两个句子之间的联系。

3. 总结 Conclusion

我们今天看了如何可以提高我们写作段落内的衔接性( Cohesion )。英文学术写作对于逻辑( logic )和内容的衔接性( cohesion )的要求是很高的,我们只有通过理解和不断练习才能有所提高。
