
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2022-12-16 05:55:01


Thank you for your fate, let you meet me like the sand in thedesert, but they also met, so thank you.


If the meeting can be arranged between two people, if love betweentwo people can be explained, so I can return to the life without you,this life will be easier, but the reality only allow me to take thetime to spend my missing for you, because love is not a play, but Ican"t find the original manuscript to erase all you and I meet, alongwith regret.


If you don"t move forward, you will be overtaken by time. If youdon"t experience more stories, you can"t face the coming butunimaginable storm. Even if the world has nothing to do with our oldfriends, we will always meet someone in the crowd at the next moment.


Forget your pain, just like the first time to meet, did not thinkof you when I was very sad.


You say you are the Buddha before the violet, not to pass through,not to incense, but to meet me in the world of mortals. Meet, meetagain, in the most beautiful time to deliver life. You"re alone,you"re independent. When I get close, I suddenly feel excited,suddenly call me softly.


Maybe everyone has a nostalgic plot, as if the first meeting isalways the most beautiful. No matter how old we are, all we canremember is the yellow yesterday. Sometimes, when you open a book,you will be delighted to see a leaf on the title page, because theveins of the leaves engraved with the imprint of the years, but alsoretain the warmth of the past.


Some encounters are magical, but doomed to be unable to tendereach other"s life; Some feelings, although plain, but can witnesseternity in a long river.


If you don"t say something, you can understand each other. Somethings, don"t do, understand each other. In the vast sea of people,there is always a tacit understanding, you will meet. After meeting,saying nothing, doing nothing, is enough to store the time in memory,which will be unforgettable long after


Since time immemorial, the most destructive thing is love. Thesour taste of love is experienced by everyone with varying degrees ofdepth. Some people like to wander in the happy memories of meeting,marveling at the beauty and purity of first sight.


The duration of every relationship is predetermined. Meeting isaccidental, parting is inevitable. When we understand this truth, wecan achieve "gain without joy, loss without sorrow" realm.


If she understands that feelings are like taking a train, thetrain has arrived at the station, and the passengers who used to takethe same train have returned to their own tracks. That"s all. Enoughto satisfy each other.
