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心情不好的英文个性签名 句句虐心(伤心是种说不出的痛)

句子大全 2022-12-16 06:42:01

一、你要经得起背叛,受的住冷漠,忍的了不公,最薄不过情分,最多不过天意,最深不过人心。You have to stand betrayal, indifference and injustice. The thinnest is not sentimental, the most is God"s will, and the deepest is not popular.

二、别傻了,一个人的努力,永远也没办法决定两个人的关系。不是你的枕边人,也做不成你的心头爱。Don"t be silly. One person"s efforts can never determine the relationship between two people. Not your pillow person, also can not do your heart love.

三、总有一首歌费烟,总有一段情费酒,孤独的人听别人的故事,流着自己的眼泪。There is always a song that costs cigarettes, there is always a love affair, lonely people listen to other people"s stories, with their own tears.

四、别为当初的誓言耿耿于怀了,承诺的时刻一定是真的,只是后来太多意外,谁都想不到会分开。Don"t worry about the original vows, the promises must be true, but later too many accidents, no one expected to be separated.

五、我们总是在错误的时间,错误的地点,懵懵然就爱上那个人,然后,不得不用尽一生来遗忘。We always fall in love with that person at the wrong time, in the wrong place, and then we have to spend all our lives forgetting it.


Every day he laughs and laughs, only he knows how tired he is. Laugh to others during the day and cry to yourself at night.


You like him after chatting with you for a few days. You have been thinking about him for a lifetime in a couple of months before you fall in love. You want to go back and forth for a lifetime if you make friends who are a little nicer to you. No wonder you have so much resentment and so much sadness. It"s the price of naivety.


All parting is not without reason. The human heart slowly turns from hot to cold in every disappointment. Despair is accumulated in every disappointment, and love is consumed by the ungrateful.


Time is the best span in the world, making the pain pale, letting the persistent person choose to leave, and then through the vicissitudes of life, people come and go, and eventually you will understand that all things are destiny, not from people at all.


If you love someone for a long time, you suddenly don"t love them. If you listen to a song for a long time, you suddenly don"t listen to them. After years of habits, you suddenly change. In the end, time is still stronger than love.


Sometimes people are also pitiful, like people can not get, get not cherish, together doubts, lost memories, miss meeting, hate meeting late, all his life, are full of regret.


If he likes you, most of your temper is called personality. If he doesn"t like you, even if you are gentle like a cat, he will dislike your hair loss.


Every time the cause of collapse seems to be a fuss, only their own heart knows how many kilograms of sadness this straw has crushed.


Whether you live in the heart of such a person: no longer a lover, can not become a friend, time passed, regardless of likes and dislikes, but always very used to think of him, and then hope that he is all right.


No one leaves you on impulse. You can"t see those sad, helpless and enduring tears. What you can see is just the moment when it collapses.


I want you to know that the deepest pain I have experienced in these years is not the wandering, loneliness or the thorn of memory, but the fact that I met you and easily lost you.


Some things have been missed, and they have been missed for a lifetime. People will change, keep a constant promise, but not a changeable heart.


Nobody pinches the cigarette in your hand, nobody gives you a home, nobody stops the wine in your hand for you, to put it plainly, you have nothing but loneliness and wine.


I"ve been thinking for countless moments that you"re all right. It turned out that I had survived all these moments alone, and then it didn"t matter whether you were there or not.


Like a song will be a single cycle, love a person will continue to forgive, but listen to enough songs will be cut off, so people love tired, will let go.
