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你的眼睛像星星 明亮动人(动情句子来袭)

句子大全 2022-12-18 04:19:01

你的文章写得很好。 为什么? 因为你改写了我的人生。

Your essay is well written. Why is that? Because you changed my life.

你是什么星座的? 你是白羊座吗? 那你是什么星座的? 我为你定制。

What"s your sign? Are you an Aries? What"s your sign then? I"ll make it for you.

我的眼睛有点痛。 看看有没有什么。 我眼里都是你。

My eyes hurt a little. See if there"s anything. All I see is you.

头进水了吗? 不,那里都被你占了。

Water in your head? No, you"re taking over the place.

你喜欢什么样的糖? 我们的喜糖。

What kind of sugar do you like? Our happy candy.

你今天必须和我说话吗? 说什么? 恋爱。

Do you have to talk to me today? What was that? Fall in love.

我有一件事。 永远做不到。 什么事? 我不会离开你。

I have one thing. Never. What"s the matter? I"m not leaving you.

我觉得你很像我的亲戚。 是谁? 我的女婿。

I think you"re like a relative to me. Who is it? My son-in-law.

你喜欢我吗? 在这句话里找出重复的字。

Do you like me? Look for repeated words in this sentence.

你知道对我来说最重要的东西是什么吗? 是这句话的第一个字。

You know what"s the most important thing to me? "Is the first word of the sentence.


You do not cherish me now, I tell you, after this village, I will wait for you in the next village.

我想吃甜食,但是这里没有甜食。 我只能想你了。

I want something sweet, but there is no sweet here. I can only think of you.


I want to be a pillow book, a cat, and a love interest.


I like the flowers in spring, the trees in summer, the dusk in autumn, the sunshine in winter and you every day.


I have nothing to say to you except love.


It took me all the luck I had to live to see you.


My good work will actually make you kiss.


If the earth had no gravity, my world might be you.


Fear no return, fear empty joy, fear is not you.

我的手受伤了,请你也一起受伤。 那样我们就成了夫妻。

My hand hurts. You hurt it, too. That would make us husband and wife.
