
日记大全 > 句子大全

治愈心灵的简单小句子 精练有力(触人心弦)

句子大全 2022-12-19 02:50:01


Dear take care of yourself, I always care about you in the distance, love me, cherish yourself!

每天都在变化。 不变的是我对你的感情和永远爱你的心。

It changes every day. What does not change is my feelings for you and your everlasting love for you.

也许今生我们不能依偎在一起,但心是永远相通的。 你是我今生最喜欢的,我今生的永恒! 你是树。 是雪貂。 我会纠缠你一辈子。 我和你一起坐在摇椅里慢慢变老!

Maybe we can"t stay together in this life, but our hearts are always connected. You are my favorite in this life, my eternal life! You are a tree. Is a ferret. I will haunt you forever. I"ll grow old in a rocking chair with you!


Because I always think of you when I breathe, so I always miss you. Worthy of loving you, worthy of wrong is persistent on others to say, for love and wrapped myself, just for you do!


The furthest distance in the world is not the horizon, nor between life and death. I am by your side, but you do not know that I love you!


Out of the window like water, my heart is like water, but like the qiantang river tide as turbulent!


It was wrong to meet you, wrong to fall in love with you, wrong to stay away from you, wrong.


I don"t know if I"ll see you in my next life, so I love you twice as much as I do in this world.


I really love you forever.

因为爱你,所以乐意为你! 飞向幸福自由的地方。

Because love you, so happy for you! Fly to a place of happiness and freedom.

爱一个人需要勇气。 因为他需要一生的陪伴。

It takes courage to love someone. Because he needs a lifetime of companionship.


I love you like mice love rice, I bubble you like instant noodles bubble in water, but I still like you!

就算世界抛弃了我,我也会一如既往地爱你。 直到永远。

Even if the world abandoned me, I will still love you. Forever.


The girl of my dreams, she has dark and bright hair like yours.

爱你让我很痛苦。 我可能很执着。 只是,那种执着是美丽而悲壮的。

It pains me to love you. I can be very persistent. But, that kind of persistence is beautiful and solemn and stirring.


Every day of the year, every hour of every day, every minute, every second of every day, I think of you.

我在这个世界上爱着你! 愿这一生只牵着你的手!

I love you in this world! May this life only hold your hand!

有一天,世界上只有一种爱。 那一定是我给你的。

One day, there is only one kind of love. I must have given it to you.

你在的时候,你就是一切; 你不在的时候,一切都是你。 我的爱是永恒的!

When you are, you are everything. When you were gone, it was all about you. My love is eternal!

我爱你,在我不在的时候照顾好自己; 不管多远,我一定会回去和你在一起。

I love you, take care of yourself in my absence; No matter how far, I will go back to be with you.
