
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2022-12-20 02:51:01















The Picture 画作

It is hard to imagine anything less alarming than collecting pictures of houses and churches, but Mr Williams found that even this peaceful work had its unexpected dark corners. 收集有关房屋和教堂的绘画作品本无任何惊人之处,可威廉先生却发现即使是这样一项很平静的工作也有其意想不到之处。The light seems rather good to me and I think there is a figure here, just at the edge, in the front. 我认为画中明亮部分似乎还不错,而且我看这儿有个人,就在前部边上。The light is very well done, in my opinion, and though the figure is rather unpleasant, it is quite interesting. 我觉得画面的明亮部分处理的很好。虽然人物不那么让人们愉快,不过还是挺有意思的。It was crawling on hands and knees towards the house. 它正朝那个房子爬着。When they had finished, Mr Williams, feeling both nervous and excited, hurried to the empty room. 吃完后,威廉斯先生心情紧张而激动地快步走进那间空屋子。As Mr Williams finished reading,there was a knock on the door and Dorctor Green came in. 威廉斯先生刚念完这段话,就听到有人敲门,格林医生进来了。

Rats 老鼠

And if you walked through the bedrooms now,you"d see the dirty grey bedsheets rising and falling like the waves of the sea. 假如你现在走过卧室,就会看到那脏兮兮的灰床单像海浪一样起伏着。It was fine spring weather and Mr Thomson"s days passed very happily. 当时正值天气晴好的春天,汤姆森先生过的很愉快。Then he put down his book, rose and went out into the passage, thinking that he would have a rest for five minutes. 然后他放下书站起身,走出房间进了走廊,想休息5分钟。With a trembling hand, he turned the key in the lock, but as he did so, it made a little noise. 他的手颤抖着用钥匙在锁眼里转动着,这时出了点儿声音。Now he could not think what to do. 他现在想不出来该怎么做。But instead of going to his own room, he would go to the other.这时他不回自己的房间而是到那间屋子里去。He stood there in the doorway for some moments, looking carefully into every corner of the room. 他在门口站了一会儿, 仔细看了看房间的每一个角落。

Casting the Runes 运用如尼魔文

Everyone was rather surprised because they thought that he didn"t like children. 大家对此都很吃惊,因为他们认为他不喜欢孩子。It was obvious that Mr Karswell wanted to frighten the children to death.显然他是想把孩子们吓死。The children was terribly frightened and they all started screaming and runnning out of the room. 孩子们十分害怕,于是都尖叫跑出了房间。Suddenly he began to run as fast as he could. 突然他就开始拼命跑起来。He hurried off the bus and walked home, feeling rather worried. 他匆匆下了汽车往家走,心里感到很不安。When he reached his house, he was surprised to find the doctor waiting for him. 他到家时,惊奇的发现医生在等着他呢。After this Dunning sat in silence, looking more and more miserable. 接着邓宁一语不发地坐在那儿,表情越来越痛苦。A sudden wind blew it towards the open window. 突然一阵风把它刮向开着的窗户。

The experiment 实验

Dr Hall was working in his study when his servant entered the room,in great alarm. 霍尔医生正在书房工作,突然仆人十分惊慌地进了屋。When he returned an hour later, he found the clerk waiting for him. 一个小时后他回来了,执事正等着他呢。Joseph stopped reading and there was silence for moment. 约瑟夫不读了,两人沉默了一会儿。

Oh, Whistle, and I"ll Come to You, My Boy


Here he smiled at the others round the table, while Parkins" face turned a deep pink. 他对围坐在桌子周围的人们笑着,这时帕金斯的脸变得通红。By the time it was getting to dark to do anythign more. 这时天黑的已经不能干什么了。Both candles went out,and the wild seemed to be trying to pull the room to pieces. 两根蜡烛都灭了,那风似乎想把屋子撕成碎片。He was also nearly exhausted. 他快要精疲力竭了。He screamed in horror, and at once it jumped at him, driving him towards the window. 他惊恐的尖叫着,那东西立即朝他扑过去,把他朝窗前逼去。



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