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人物场景素描或事件记叙文章怎么写 简单几步(让文章妙笔生花)

句子大全 2022-12-21 07:25:01


一篇好的描述性作品能够同时激发读者的多种感官,如嗅觉、视觉、味觉、触觉和听觉,为读者构建出生动的主题和场景。那么,如何进行描述性文章写作呢?跟 Robin 老师一起来学习一下吧!

1 明确主题和写作目的


2 头脑风暴,列举细节




My friend Judy Schoyer was a thin, messy, shygirl whose thick blond curls lapped over her glasses.

Her cheeks, chin, nose, and blue eyes were round; the lenses and frames of her glasses were round, and so were her heavy curls.

Her long spine was supple; her legs were long and thin so her knee socks fell down. She did not care if her knee socks fell down. When I first knew her, as my classmate at the Ellis School, she sometimes forgot to comb her hair. She was so shy she tended not to move her head, but only let her eyes rove about.

If my mother addressed her, or a teacher, she held her long-legged posture lightly, alert, like a fawn ready to bolt but hoping its camouflage will work a little longer. (By Annie Dillard, "An American Childhood." Harper & Row, 1987.)


在描述物品、地点或某段经历时,我们也可以从外观 (Look)、声音 (Sound)、气味 (Smell)、味道 (Taste) 和感觉 (Feel)这五感入手来寻找细节,进而挖掘出那些与主题相关的记忆、情感或联想。例如在描写儿时看牙医的经历时,我们列举的细节可能包括诊室里的消毒水味道和牙医的口罩,电动牙刷发出的嗡嗡声,还有拔牙时的疼痛和恐惧的心情等。

Examples 例文

The night air rushed in about us through the tilted wind portals at the front of the front windows and the smaller ones in back (we were in the zippy Terraplane that Tex and I had brought from Detroit), and with it the hot, flat scent of tall corn; asudden tang of skunkcome and gone;

the smell of tarwhen the dirt roads stopped, fainter now with the hot sun gone; and, over a rare pond or creek as the tire noise went deeper, something rich and dank, with cowflop and dead fish mixing with the sweet-water weeds.

(By Roger Angell, "Romance." The New Yorker, May 26, 2003)

I remember the air whistling around meas I ran, the panicky thud of my bonesin my sneakers, and then the slabs rising in the light from the street lamps as I sped past the little candy store and crept under the fence. (By Alfred Kazin, "A Walker in the City", 1969)



3 整理信息



★ What message, if any, do you want the description to convey? 你想要用通过这段描述向读者传达什么信息?

★ Which details best convey that message? 哪些细节最能传达这一信息?


4 组织段落或文章


1. 主题句:明确指出文章的主题,并简要说明该主题的意义或重要性。

2. 按逻辑顺序排列的细节:按照对主题有意义的顺序来安排描述性细节,例如,从上至下来描述一棵树,由内到外来描述一个房间,或按照时间顺序来描述一件事等,确保这些细节之间遵循一定的逻辑联系。

3. 结束语:强调主题意义或价值的一两句话,首尾呼应。

Examples 写作例文

On the third finger of my left hand is the pre-engagement ring given to me last year by my sister Doris.

The 14-carat gold band, a bit tarnished by time and neglect, circles my finger and twists together at the topto encase a small whitediamond.

The four prongs that anchorthe diamondare separated by pockets of dust. The diamond itself is tiny and dull, like a sliver of glass found on the kitchen floor after a dishwashing accident. Just below the diamond are small air holes, intended to let the diamond breathe, but now clogged with grime.

The ring is neither very attractive nor valuable, but I treasure it as a gift from my older sister, a gift that I will pass along to my younger sisterwhen I receive my own engagement ring this Christmas.

上面这段文字就遵循了主题句、细节支撑和结束语这个基本模式。主题句点明了这段文字描述的主题 "ring" 以及作者珍视它的原因,之后,作者围绕着戒指上的钻石将每个细节紧密联系在一起,结束语再次点明了这枚戒指对作者的价值。

5 写作:Show, don"t tell (展示,而不是讲述)


★ I am describing my pen because I love to write.★ My ballpoint pen is my secret writing partner: The baby-soft tip glides effortlessly across the page, somehow seeming to pull my thoughts down from my brain and out through my fingertips.

在写作的过程中,一个重要守则就是:展示,而不是讲述 (Show, don"t tell)。上面的第一句话就是显而易见的"telling",读者很难从句子中感受到作者对写作的喜爱,而第二句话则通过细节的描写更好地展示了主题的重要性。在写作描述性文章时,我们需要时刻注意用那些描述性的细节来刻画和展示主题,引起读者情感上的共鸣。

Examples 精选例文

My most valuable possession is an old, slightly warped blond guitar―the first instrument I taught myself how to play.

It"s nothing fancy, just a Madeira folk guitar, all scuffed and scratched and fingerprinted. At the top is a bramble of copper-wound strings, each one hooked through the eye of a silver tuning key.

The strings are stretched down a long, slim neck, its frets tarnished, the wood worn by years of fingers pressing chords and picking notes. The body of the Madeira is shaped like an enormous yellow pear, one that was slightly damaged in shipping.The blond wood has been chipped and gouged to gray, particularly where the pick guard fell off years ago.

No, it"s not a beautiful instrument, but it still lets me make music, and for that I will always treasure it. (by Jeremy Burden)


6 编辑和校对文本



★ Does your paragraph begin with a topic sentence--one that clearly identifies the person, place, or thing you"re about to describe? 主题句能否清楚地说明要描述的人物、地点或事物?

★ In the rest of the paragraph, have you clearly and consistently supported the topic sentence with specific descriptive details? 你是否清楚并始终如一地用具体的描述细节来支撑主题句?

★ Have you followed a logical pattern in organizing the supporting sentences in your paragraph? 你在组织细节时是否遵循一定的逻辑联系?

★ Is your paragraph unified--that is, do all your supporting sentences relate directly to the topic introduced in the first sentence? 你选择的所有细节是否与主题句直接相关?

★ Is your paragraph cohesive--that is, have you clearly connected the supporting details in your paragraph and guided readers from one sentence to the next? 你的描述性细节之间的联系是否连贯?

★ Throughout the paragraph, have you chosen words that clearly, accurately, and specifically show readers what you mean? 你是否选择了清晰、明确的词语来表达你的意思?

★ Have you read your paragraph aloud (or asked someone to read it to you) to check for trouble spots, such as awkward phrasing or needless repetition? 你的文章中是否有语法错误或不必要的重复?

★ Finally, have you carefully edited and proofread your paragraph? 你是否仔细编辑校对过你的文字?


My Home of Yesteryear

by Mary White

Situated on the bend of a horseshoe-shaped dirt road that intersects a back country highway is the place I called home as a child. Here my elderly father raised his two girls without the help or companionship of a wife.

The house is set back about 200 feet from the road, and as we saunter up the narrow dirt pathway, lined with neat rows of flamboyant orange gladiolas on each side, the tidy appearance of the small, unpainted frame house entices us to enter.

Up the steps and onto the porch, we can"t help but notice a high-backed rocker on one side and a bench worn smooth by age on the other. Both remind us of the many vesper hours spent here in the absence of modern-day entertainment.

Turning the door knob and entering the parlor is like taking a step back in time. There is no lock on the door and no curtains on the windows, only shades yellowed with age, to be pulled down at night--as if you needed privacy out here in the boondocks.

Dad"s big over-stuffed armchair is set beside the well-stocked bookcase where he enjoys passing a hot afternoon with a good book. His bed, an old army cot, serves as a couch when company comes. One lone plaque with the words "Home, Sweet Home" adorns the wall over the mantelpiece.

Just to the left is a doorway, minus a door, beckoning us to investigate the aroma drifting our way. As we step into the kitchen we are overtaken by the rich smell of freshly baked bread. Dad is removing the loaves from the belly of Old Bessie, our coal-burning cookstove. He leaves them to cool in neat rows on our homemade plank table.

Turning toward the back door, we see an honest-to-goodness ice box, and yes, there"s a genuine silver quarter for the ice man to take in exchange for 50 pounds of dripping ice. I can picture him now as he snatches the tongs tightly into the frozen block, causing tiny slivers of sparkling ice to fly everywhere.

Swinging it down off the back of his chug-a-lug of a truck and instantly throwing his other arm up to keep his balance, he staggers with his load toward the back door. Hoisting the block of ice into place, he gives a long, loud sigh of relief and drops the shiny quarter into his pocket.

Stepping outside the back door, we suddenly realize there is no running water in the kitchen, for here stands the only water pipe around. The galvanized tubs, set upside down by the steps, indicate that here is where most of the bathing occurs.

A little footpath leads us to a hand pump, somewhat rusty but still providing a cool refreshing drink--if we can prime the pump. As Dad douses its rusty throat with water, it gurgles for a minute or two, then belches back a flood of sparkling clear spring water, free from the chemicals the law requires of modern water systems.

But the pathway doesn"t stop here. It winds on out behind a dilapidated shack. No imagination is needed to know where it ends.

As dusk approaches we must slip around to the front porch and relax as we enjoy a country sunset. The sky is absolutely breathtaking with its soft ribbons of orange and violet.

The sun, ablaze with beauty, casts our long shadows across the porch and onto the wall behind us. Everywhere nature is praising its Maker and singing its night songs.

Off in the distance the whip-poor-wills are just starting their nightly lamentations. The crickets and frogs join in while bats dart overhead in search of a juicy tidbit for breakfast. Bats, you see, begin their day at sunset. The house itself joins in the chorus with its creaks and cracks of contraction as the coolness of the evening settles around us.

Indeed, a visit to the old homeplace brings back many fond memories, almost making us wish we could turn back the clock to enjoy a few moments of peace and innocence.

A Friendly Clown

On one corner of my dresser sits a smiling toy clown on a tiny unicycle ― a gift I received last Christmas from a close friend.

The clown"s short yellow hair, made of yarn, covers its ears but is parted above the eyes. The blue eyes are outlined in black with thin, dark lashes flowing from the brows. It has cherry-red cheeks, nose, and lips, and its broad grin disappears into the wide, white ruffle around its neck. The clown wears a fluffy, two-tone nylon costume.

The left side of the outfit is light blue, and the right side is red. The two colors merge in a dark line that runs down the center of the small outfit. Surrounding its ankles and disguising its long black shoes are big pink bows.

The white spokes on the wheels of the unicycle gather in the center and expand to the black tire so that the wheel somewhat resembles the inner half of a grapefruit.

The clown and unicycle together stand about a foot high. As a cherished gift from my good friend Tran, this colorful figure greets me with a smile every time I enter my room.

