
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2022-12-22 06:30:01

沉默不是没有情绪 ,是感觉没有再说的意义。

Silence is not without emotion but without meaning.

你以为我有多强大呢 ?我也只不过是个怕鬼怕天黑 ,委屈会掉眼泪 ,难过想要抱抱的女孩子, 你不能因为我努力想长大, 就觉得我不需要人陪啊。

How strong do you think I am? I"m just a girl who is afraid of ghosts, afraid of dark injustice, tears, tears and hugs. You can"t think I don"t need company just because I try hard to grow up.


I just want to like, but forget the right, can"t get the enthusiasm of the response, to know enough is enough.


"I still love you, but I don"t like you." It means that you still make me feel beautiful and exciting, but I have no strength and courage to hug you again.

怎么说呢 ,你费劲心思真心想对别人好的时候,别人其实并没有那么的在意过你 ,甚至觉得你傻,你好骗,几句话就哄开心了 ,真心变得越来越廉价, 反而你做一个彻彻底底的垃圾有时更招人喜欢。

How do you say that when you are trying to be nice to others, they actually don"t care about you so much. You even think that you are stupid. You can fool yourself into a few words and then make yourself happy. Your heart is getting cheaper and cheaper.On the contrary, being a complete garbage is sometimes more attractive.

我懂你的苦衷 ,我理解你的难处 ,我也非常尊重你那样做的理由, 没有关系 ,我并不生气, 只是很失望, 仅此而已。

I understand your difficulties. I understand your difficulties. I also respect your reasons for doing that very much. It doesn"t matter. I"m not angry. I"m just disappointed. That"s all.

讲过去像是在卖惨, 讲未来像是在白日做梦, 讲现在又是当局者迷 ,迟迟无话 ,字字苦酸。

Speaking of the past is like selling miseries, talking about the future is like daydreaming, and speaking of the present is like a fan of the government who has been too slow to say a word or a word.

他们爱我灵动的瞬间 ,而你爱我疲惫的双眼 ,对这句话十分喜爱, 我的理解是 ,世人只爱我美好的那一刻 ,只有你在怜惜我对世事的倦。

They love the moment when they are moving and you love my tired eyes. My understanding is that the world only loves me when it is beautiful and only you pity my tiredness for the world.


In this world, no one can really feel the pain of another person. If you have a million arrows piercing your heart and you are not here right now, it is only a matter for you. others may sympathize and sigh, but you will never know exactly where your wound is festering.


I didn"t make any noise without reason. I just found out that I was not loved, so I was a little flustered when I retreated. I told myself dozens of times that it would be fine tomorrow, but bad is bad.


