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让你笑到脸大的沙雕句子 搞笑到你念念不忘(大笑不已)

句子大全 2022-12-22 07:30:01


My emotions can be roughly divided into four categories: eating too much, sleeping too much, thinking too much and spending too much


At a certain age, I still like the feeling of my hair being blown up by the wind, mainly because I only think it is still there when it is blowing


You comment on others and say why you don"t comment on me. Are you embarrassed to get close to the beauty.


Can you, uh, steal your date"s money and buy me a cup of mashed milk tea


There are trees in the mountains and branches in the trees. Do you want iced watermelons?


There aren"t many boyfriends, just three to five sincerely

七、人生就像愤怒的小鸟 当你失败时 总有几只猪在笑

Life is like an angry bird. When you fail, there are always a few pigs laughing


I wish I could fall in love with the money in my pocket and have many babies.


After breaking up, I think my ex is because the brain and reality are sometimes jet lag


I suspect that the universe is quietly intercepting the signal that someone loves me.

十一、想偷一个男孩子的心回家 但是他不同意 所以我没经过他允许 偷了他的家

Trying to steal a boy"s heart and go home, but he wouldn"t let me, so I stole his home without his permission

十二、不努力的女生 会有买不完的地摊货 逛不完的菜市场 努力的女生你就没时间逛地摊 因为你只能加班叫外卖逛淘宝

Girls who don"t work hard will have endless stalls. Girls who can"t finish shopping in the vegetable market. You don"t have time to go to the stalls because you can only work overtime to order takeaways to go to Taobao

十三、失败是成功之母 成功之父是谁呢?向我转账十块钱你就是成功支付

Failure is the mother of success. Who is the father of success? Transfer ten dollars to me and you will pay successfully

十四、十几岁就出来挣钱 从一无所有发展到身无分文 再从身无分文拼搏到负债累累 这就是我 不一样的烟火

As a teenager, I went out to earn money, from nothing to nothing, from nothing to struggle to debt. This is my different fireworks.

十五、年轻人嘛现在没钱算什么 以后没钱的日子还多着呢

Young man, what"s no money now? There"s plenty of days to go

十六、我和别人不同 能用钱解决的问题我从来不用钱解决 因为我根本没钱

I"m different from other people. I can solve problems with money. I never solve problems with money because I don"t have any money

十七、如果你愿意一层一层一层的剥开我的心 你会发现 里面有糖葫芦 饼干 草莓糖 巧克力 薯片 牛奶 奶糖 乱七八糟的 就是没有你

If you are willing to peel off my heart layer by layer, you will find sugar gourd biscuits, strawberry candy, chocolate chips, milk and milk candy in a mess without you.

十八、处对象 送海边别墅一套 兰博一辆 劳斯莱斯一辆 以后每赛季荣耀榜一 等我再喝多点把世界送你

I will send you a villa by the sea, a Rambo, a Rolls Royce and a Glory List every season as soon as I drink more.


I really want to talk about a love that your mother took ten million dollars to let me leave you.

二十、真羡慕你们在朋友圈秀恩爱的 毕竟我和肖战不能公开

I really envy you for showing your love in the circle of friends. After all, Sean Xiao and I can"t be public.

二十一、有人告诉我这个世界上没有比感情更复杂的东西了 我啪的一声 一本数学书咋他脸上了

Someone told me there"s nothing more complicated in the world than feelings. I snapped a math book on his face

二十二、收对象 收破对象 收不用的对象 拿对象换盆 换锅 换菜刀

Receive the object to break the object that the object does not need to take the object to change the pot and change the kitchen knife

二十三、这辈子没什么野心 就想发个财而已

I have no ambition in my life and just want to make a fortune.

二十四、多个朋友多条路 多个靓仔多个家

Many friends, many roads, many beautiful people, many homes

二十五、终于知道为什么我的脚总是冰冷的了 因为腿长 供血不足 这就是高冷吧

Finally know why my feet are always cold, because the leg is not enough blood supply, this is the high cold bar


My name is China, your name is mobile, because China mobile


Watching different flavors of sleeping pills walk up and down the podium every day

二十八、我的口红实在太不争气了 每天只知道沾杯什么时候才能沾一下小哥哥的嘴

My lipstick is so disappointing that I only know when I can touch my little brother"s mouth every day


My WeChat seems to be broken. Why can"t I get any news from my little brother?

三十、你好像我一个朋友 叫男朋友

You look like a friend of mine named boyfriend


Come back if you"ve had enough with someone else. I"ve been waiting for you. Double row

三十二、和人吵架时 最好去楼梯吵 这样的好处是吵完了双方都有台阶下

It"s better to go to the stairs when you quarrel with someone. The advantage is that both sides have steps down after the quarrel

三十三、教大家一个非常实用的生活技巧 先迈出左脚 再买出右脚 就可以走路了

Teach everyone a very practical life skill. First take the left foot and then buy the right foot to walk

三十四、既然喝水都胖 那我干嘛不喝奶茶

Since drinking water is fat, why don"t I drink milk tea

三十五、上帝将恋爱的雨水洒落在人间 机智的我撑起了伞

God sprinkled the rain of love on the earth, and I held up my umbrella cleverly.
