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温柔治愈的干净句子 唯美小众(给你满分的快乐)

句子大全 2022-12-24 03:37:01

我进入了我的生命。 我在为你做一生的准备。

I came into my life. I"m preparing you for life.


I love you, take care of you, protect you, all my life.

你看到的是最真实的我! 永无止境的感动! 这个世界上有你和我这个最美的存在!

You see me as I really am! Endless touching! You and I are the most beautiful in the world!


Take good care of yourself, I don"t think the afterlife will love you again.

每次感到失意,你浅浅的笑,你的鼓励,它们都会让我坚强地面对。 谢谢你。

Every time I feel frustrated, your smile, your encouragement, they will make me strong to face. Thank you


May all the meteors in the sky shine in the sky for you.


After I met you, I found that I could be so willing to give.


Think that without you, I can make a person strong, finally know that I can not.


You are the one who always stood by me when I was in trouble!


I want to put my heart in your heart, even if the pain also want to taste.

遇见你,我才感受到自己的存在,一直舍不得离开你。 虽然你说得这么坚决。 我没有像太阳一样狂热的爱,也可能没有像水一样长久的爱。

Met you, I feel their existence, has been reluctant to leave you. Even though you say it so strongly. I have no love as wild as the sun, and perhaps no love as long as water.

妹妹爱着你。 见到你,我幸福甜蜜。 我想拥抱你,亲吻你,但是害怕被无视,只能用发条发邮件。

Sister loves you. I am happy to see you. I want to hug you and kiss you, but I"m afraid of being ignored, so I have to send emails by clockwork.


If you love a girl, it"s better to fight for her happiness than to abandon her for the sake of her happiness.


If loving you is wrong, I hope all my life is wrong, wrong!


Loneliness is smoke, missing is tears, was covered by smoke, I looked at your beautiful face, as we first met the same moved.


When the wind is no longer chasing clouds, when the ice is no longer melting water, when the fire is no longer hot, when the stone is no longer hard, when there is no love in the world, I can stop loving you.

封闭的心终于向你敞开,小小的空间只能接受你。 因为你是我心中唯一的,我再也不能接受第二个人了。

Closed heart finally open to you, small space can only accept you. Because you are the only one in my heart, I can not accept another person.
