
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2022-12-26 02:47:01


I am willing to do the topic in the early morning, I am quietly working hard, I know that I will be a blockbuster, I only want to realize my dream, it is too beautiful, it is really worth my efforts.


Some quit their posts and go back to their hometown, while others rush for the scientific examination all night. The future is like the sea, and the future is long.


"It doesn"t matter if the sun goes down. I already have a bag of sunshine."

4.念chong, 这个字很少见。和春字很像,下面是个旧,我希望我能把那些过去的旧事慢慢放下,也希望以后也能像春天一样,冬去春来,万物复苏。

The word "Chong" is very rare. It"s very similar to the word "spring". Below is an old one. I hope I can put those old things down slowly. I also hope that in the future, just like spring, winter goes and spring comes, and everything will recover.

5.希望你做一个表面温柔如水 内心坚定如山的人。

I hope you can be a person with gentle surface and firm heart.


99.99% of anxiety comes from wasting time and not doing well. At the moment, the only way to overcome the anxiety is to try to get rid of the emptiness, rather than to make the choice.

7.你一定是个很棒的人 就算最后不能如愿 也要好好吃饭好好睡觉好好生活 生命里有很多美好的事物 不要被爱情绊住脚步。

You must be a great person. Even if you can"t do it, you should eat well, sleep well and live a good life. There are many beautiful things in life. Don"t be trapped by love.

8.我一点都不确定 但是我只能向前冲 因为自己不仅背负着自己的理想还有许多许多人的祝福 不能让他们失望 也不能让自己颓废阿 即使好累好累也要抬头去看遥远的星星。

I"m not sure at all, but I can only rush forward, because I not only carry my own ideals, but also many people"s blessings. I can"t let them down or let myself decadent. Even if I"m tired, I have to look up at the distant stars.




May we become what we want to be,

No matter how many thorns, no matter how strong the sun, no matter how heavy the wind and rain,

As long as you can smell the flowers on the other side, everything is worth it. ——Zhang HaoChen


