
日记大全 > 句子大全

甜系句子‖你在的时候 哪怕闯祸(我都很有底气)

句子大全 2022-12-26 07:02:01

1.我没有太大的要求 就希望你能一直陪我过春夏秋冬 无数个。

I do not have too big request, I hope you can accompany me through spring, summer, autumn and winter.

2.要学会大大方方地表达爱意 爱不是冷冰冰 爱是炽热的 永远都是。

Learn to express love in a big way. Love is not cold, love is hot, always.

3.你在的时候 哪怕闯祸 我都很有底气”.

When you were there, I had a lot of confidence to make trouble. "

4.见到你的时候 我第一次感觉全世界都为一个人做了背景 于是从来没有偷过东西的我开始学会了偷偷看你。

When I saw you, for the first time, I felt that the whole world had made a background for one person, so I had never stolen anything and began to learn to look at you secretly.

5.如果我的坚强任性会不小心伤害了你 你能不能温柔提醒 我虽然心太急更害怕错过你。

If my strong willful will accidentally hurt you, can you gently remind me although the heart is too urgent, more afraid to miss you.


People will encounter many accidents in their life, some of them are expected, some are unexpected, you are unexpected accidents, and also my future.


The sunset of the 1980s and 1990s, the fine wine with dense sea breeze, mellow and expensive under the past precipitation, is you.

8.我要穿着宇航服继续在探索的轨道前行 降落在每一个小小星球 摘下玫瑰赠与你 只求做你的小卫星 环游有趣 也能陪你。

I"m going to wear a spacesuit and continue to explore the orbit. I"ll land on every little planet. I"ll pick up roses and give it to you. Just be your little satellite. I"ll have fun traveling with you.

9.“想起朝暮时舒卷的云 醉醺醺的柳条 路边醉汉不成调的曲 想起冬雪被阳光浇化 灰蒙蒙的窗户信箱里甜得淌蜜的情诗想起所有美好的事想起好吃的想起温柔 想起你”

I"m going to wear a spacesuit and continue to explore the orbit. I"ll land on every little planet. I"ll pick up roses and give it to you. Just be your little satellite. I"ll have fun traveling with you.

