
日记大全 > 句子大全

给闺蜜的甜甜句子‖互相忙碌 互相牵挂(一起长大)

句子大全 2022-12-27 07:25:01


You are my heart girl every day.

2、多么希望我们长大以后没有名利的牵绊 ,你可以随便踢开我家的门 , 招呼也不打的随意打开我的冰箱, 喝我喝过的可乐,吃我吃了一半的蛋糕, 没心没肺的开玩笑骂我是死鬼疯子白痴, 最后还悄悄的替我收拾了房间。

How I wish we would grow up without the hindrance of fame and wealth.You can kick open my door at will.Open my refrigerator at will without greeting.Drink the cola I have drunk and eat half of the cake I have eaten.No heart, no heart, no heart, no heart, no heart, no heart, no heartFinally, I quietly cleaned my room.

3、一起长大吧, 我陪你 ,你是例外哦 ,我的好朋友不能羡慕别人, 安全感我能给 ,我保护你。

Grow up together. I will accompany you. You are an exception. My good friend cannot envy others" sense of security. I can protect you for me.


From the invincible beautiful young gi7rl to the white-haired old lady, we must always be together.


No matter how long we haven"t seen each other, we are still the same. We have a bad temper and talk loudly without paying attention to our appearance. However, we will never abandon each other and laugh so happily.


Our relationship is that the bridegroom is unknown, but the bridesmaid has already decided.

7、最黑暗时刻 ,陪你一起等天明。

The darkest hour is waiting for dawn with you.


It doesn"t matter. You can share your life with me or complain to me. I listen to all the grievances and am willing to share them. We are a group and I will always be on your side.


"Don"t think of it deliberately, because you never forget it."

10、互相忙碌 ,互相牵挂 一起长大。

Busy with each other, caring for each other and growing up together.

11、久处不厌, 闲谈不烦 ,从不敷衍, 绝不怠慢。

Long time never tires of chatting, never perfunctory, never snubs.


The years I have passed with you are the most precious time in my life. Let"s hold hands and run to a far distance.

13、希望你做全世界最可爱的女孩, 永远有颗少女心 ,天真热烈, 对世界充满善意 ,也希望你能遇到一个人, 替你在前面承担所有的风雨, 让你一辈子做无忧无虑的小女孩。

I hope you will always be the cutest girl in the world, with a girl"s heart naive and warm, and full of kindness to the world. I also hope you can meet someone who will bear all the storms ahead for you and make you a carefree little girl for the rest of your life.

14、遇见你是一种幸运, 愿你眼中总有温暖, 愿你无忧无疾, 岁月安生不离笑。

It is a kind of luck to meet you. May there always be warmth in your eyes. May you live happily and smile happily in your carefree years.


I can"t be in the same school with you, I can"t take care of you, I can"t go to the library with you, I can"t study at night together, I can"t eat the snack street food city together, I can"t know what you are doing, I can"t love someone"s song recently, I can"t be in a school with you, I really want to play with you every day, I can hold your hand, I can see you smile, I also want to know when you are sad, I can give you a hug, I can"t be in a school with you, the distance between the city and the city suddenly becomes so far away. I can only pay attention to your news on my mobile phone. I"m really afraid of being forgotten or unfamiliar by you. The people around you are all threats to me. I haven"t been able to have a school with you. You have to be good, you have to remember, and me.



