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让人心疼到哭的伤感句子 句句心酸无奈(边看边哭)

句子大全 2022-12-27 07:39:01


It"s hard to meet the right person at the right time. But life is like this, it is bitter and sweet, and it makes people aftertaste. I like to say that every close person can only accompany you through a journey of life. Yes, people leave alone in the end. It is worthwhile to cherish the people around you.


When we broke up, I stalked for a while. Every time I add him, it"s me who deletes him. Crying for a long time. Just, now slowly I can"t remember his number, probably, this is the best ending


If I go back to 18 years old, I will do everything for the person I like. Don"t feel inferior and lose my love like me. Although I have a house, a car, and a deposit, I have lost my loved one. I am too tired to live. Now my life is alive, muddleheaded, and without goals. I have lost everything and no meaning.


I really won"t love any more. It"s not that I don"t love you. It"s just that I can"t fill it up. If I can, I hope I"m young and promising. Unfortunately, don"t talk about it. I wish you all young and promising. Don"t learn from me, spoil your life and ruin your feelings. Come on, stranger!


Perhaps, my efforts will be useless. Why let me exist. Why should I be confused. Why let me have a faint light. When I know the truth. But I can"t see you. Because for you. I am just a passer-by.


What people want to do, they always work hard, and they will eventually have a chance to do it. Like a school that is obsessed with heart, it is always possible if they die. However, a person"s youth is only a few years old, and his youth is fleeting.


In the first year, you and I were at the same table, and our distance was only 5 cm. In the second year, we were the front and back tables, and our distance was 40 cm. In the third year, we were the first and last group, and our distance was only about 20 meters. But now our distance is exactly 648 kilometers.


It was once said that I admired my foreign country for so long. At that time, I naively thought that it would be a lifetime if I survived. 7800 kilometers apart can still make each other"s lives fruitful, because we live in two cities at the same time. But it turns out that the most painful thing is not to lose love, but to lose the people who worked hard together. I work hard alone in the gloomy life. I will not love you any more.


It was originally planned to make an appointment with both parents on National Day, and the design drawings of the wedding room have been prepared. But just before National Day, he proposed to break up, and my world suddenly collapsed. He said that he has no ability to give me happiness now, and he has nothing to make me suffer together. I have to cry and tell him again and again that I only want a chance to chew steamed bread with you, but he won"t give it.


The world has never been kind to anyone, no matter how old. When I was at school, I also felt why there were so many homework, why there were so many things to memorize, and why I had to get up early and go to class every day. But as long as you get in touch with the society, you will find that you are actually very happy at school, because you don"t have to worry about daily work and daily life. You have no goal now, so long as you have a plan for the future, then everything is not an obstacle.
