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让人看了心疼的每日情感句子 句句触动人心(直击你的灵魂)

句子大全 2022-12-30 07:14:02


Sometimes! I really appreciate the hardships life has given me and my own imperfections. It is because of them that I see who is really good to me.


There are always people who say that human heart is made of meat, and even the coldest heart will be covered with heat one day. However, they seem to forget that human heart is made of meat, and even the hottest heart will always be frostbitten that day, and after the frostbite, there will be scars that will never be intact.


Because no one can rely on, so no matter what things, we rely on their own, how I hope that one day, a person touch my head gently said to me: "don"t hold, you are not an umbrella, you are just a lovable girl!" Hope there will be such a person appear!


Sometimes it seems that we are not living for ourselves, but living for the responsibilities on our shoulders. Fortunately, the night is long enough to cope with a sad day, and when the day breaks, we will pretend to be happy again, so the cycle is endless.


Rather than love you, I would rather choose to be lonely, because at least lonely, not disappointed, not sad, not betrayed, anyway than love you live comfortable.


Now we all like to put on masks and hide our true words in our hearts. We are afraid of love, but we also want to be loved. Sometimes, only when we are drunk can we tell the truth.


You see, you are so considerate, must be because no one has ever hurt you, indulge you, no one CARES about your grievance and sad it! So, you always habitually wronged themselves to help others is it?


Later, people always say that I am cold thin, 100 poison not invade, nothing can affect my mood, in fact, they do not know, I pay one of the smile behind, in fact, the heart has already been full of holes, not pain, but the heart has already been numb pain.



