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句子大全 2022-12-31 03:32:01

与你相会后抱着你 才是我疲倦生活的唯一解药

Holding you after meeting you is the only antidote to my tired life

两清都不能做甲乙丙丁 你永远欠我的

You can never do a / B and C J in the Qing Dynasty. You owe me forever

你们短暂而不真诚的相处 不值得我半点真心和热枕

You are short and not sincere, not worth my heart and warm pillow

自此之后被人好好爱的时候 竟感到手足无措

And then when someone loves it, he feels overwhelmed


My love is always sorry, but I want to be right,

这个遥不可及的人世 我爱你何止多年

I love you for years in this remote world

想不开 不想没意思 我只是念旧 没有办法接受新的人 用心爱过的一瞬间真的很难忘记 那就交给时间吧

I can"t imagine it. I just can"t accept the new people. It"s hard to forget the moment they love. Just give it to me

一丝悲伤就能击溃一切欢乐 困住我好久了

A little sadness will break all the joy and keep me in a long time,


Forget that someone has reincarnation. When you feel that he can"t affect your emotions, he will jump out again and waste your hard days.


Actually, I don"t like it very much, but I"m going to you

你有更多的发泄情绪的权利 但不能影响他人,任何人都有权表达感情

There is more right to vent emotions without affecting others, and anyone has the right to express their feelings

以前我的热情透支过多 让我调整好心态管理好现在我清醒理智 爱恨分明还是觉得未来可期

I had too much enthusiasm the other day, so I adjusted my mind and managed it well. Now I am clear, rational, loving and hating, or I think it will be possible for me to go forward

如今的人觉得身边的情感 似乎只是逢场作戏而已

Now people think the emotions around them seem to be just a good game
