
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-01-01 06:26:01

This year would not have been very easy without you aroundThank you for always being thereMy love没有你的陪伴,日子不会如此轻松而过感谢你不离不弃我的爱人


1. Love makes the world go round. 有些人认为是钱是万能的,但是对于一些追求真正的罗曼蒂克的人,爱是生命中最重要的。

2. Your better half. 这是指你的女朋友或男朋友。你也可以称呼你的伴侣为 "my other half" - 但是称呼你的女朋友或男朋友为

your better half比our other half更为恰当!

3. The light of my life. The light of your life

是指某人让你很开心,而且让你感觉很好!你也可以对你的爱人说, "Darling, you light up my life".

4. She drives me crazy! 这不是指她让你变得神经质!

如果某人drives you crazy,即是指他们会使你的心跳加速。

例如:"You"re crazy about Amy, why don you ask her out?"

5. Falling in love. 爱上某人比谈恋爱还要更深一层。谈恋爱会令人很愉快的,但是爱上某人就表示,假如没有对方的话,你就无法活下去!请记住不要太快告诉你的女朋友/男朋友"I"m falling in love with you"。最好是等到你真的发觉了再说。

6. Perfect match. 你是否已经找到了你的完美配对?你的perfect match 是指这个人跟你在各方面都很相配。但是,另一句俚语"soul mate"也有相同的意思。

7. Seeing, Dating, Going steady.当你开始和某人出去,你可能不是很认真的。你可以说"I"m seeing someone" 。但过了一阵子后,你开始和他们dating。 最后,你和他们go steady。意思是正式成为男女朋友。

8. You are too good to be true! 当你觉得某人简直是惊为天人,简直不敢相信 你就可以引用这个句子。你同时也可以说you are like a dream come true.

9. Significant Other. 这是现今的说法,以第三者的身分来泛指你的伴侣或爱人。你也可以说Can I bring my Significant Other to the party?, 但不是 Honey, you are my Significant Other。

10. Love at first sight.是指两个人在等一次见面的时候,就闪电地爱上对方。假如你相信一见钟情的话,那你就是一个真正浪漫的人!



a sequence of backward counting to indicate the time remaining before an event is scheduled to occur.

e.g. In many New Year’s Eve celebrations, there is a countdown during the last seconds of the old year until the beginning of the new year.



a display where fireworks are detonated.

e.g. The most pleasurable experience of New Year’s Eve will be the world’s most spectacular fireworks display.


4.New Year’s resolutions:新年愿望

a secular tradition in which a person makes a promise to do an act of self-improvement or something slightly nice, such as opening doors for people beginning from New Year’s Day.

e.g. The most popular New Year’s resolutions for Americans include appreciating loved ones and 6.spending more time with family and friends.


5.the first sunrise of the year:新年的第一道曙光

e.g. Do you want to watch the first sunrise of the year with us?


6.the countdown party :跨年演晚会

a party where people gather to do a sequence of backward counting.

e.g. I am going to the countdown party with my friends. It has a live band and some good music.


7.exchange gifts:交换礼物

a situation in which people exchange gifts.

e.g. One of the best parts of Christmas is gift exchange. Everyone is excited to open up an unexpectedly awesome gift from someone else.


8.flag-raising ceremony on New Year’s Day:元旦升旗典礼

a situation in which people gather to watch a flag being raised in celebration of the new year.

e.g. Tens of thousands of people are planning to attend the flag-raising ceremony to mark National Day.



