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童真的风趣幽默的句子 画风可爱(一看就想笑)

句子大全 2023-01-02 04:02:01


Many things have to be digested by yourself, so the longer you grow, the fatter you get.

原来看透了你,失去了你~~哈哈 是这么开心的事情,今天烦恼什么的,糗死了!

I saw you thoroughly and lost you~~ Haha. It"s such a happy thing. I"m so embarrassed today!


Don"t worry about my borrowing money, everyone is the same age, if you don"t have money, will I still have it?


My buddy received a lot of gifts on his birthday. One of them was two delicate white porcelain elephants in a small box. The buddy looked puzzled and asked him why he gave me this stuff? The other party said that it doesn"t matter that you have been single, so they gave you a partner.


It’s almost my birthday, I’m thinking, what gift "you" will give me, or else, just give me "you"!


Today there are no stars, no moons, and no clouds. I sent all the stars in the sky to accompany you. If you don’t see them, then I will let them go into their dreams to accompany you. They all have a sentence I want to treat you. Speak privately, talk to them slowly!

原来我只是不喜欢你们俩而已,不喜欢你的虚伪和做作,所以 你们滚了 原来和其他朋友就可以玩(游戏)玩得这么开心!

It turns out that I just don"t like the two of you. I don"t like your hypocrisy and contrivance, so you guys can play (games) with other friends so much fun!


Look, the twinkling stars are what I miss for you so much. The moon is so gentle. Did you send me your tenderness to sister Moon?


We still have a long way to go in the future, so I regard you as cherishment, let your smile and tears stay on your face, before every time you fall asleep, hold your hand and say: Good night, good night, see you in your dreams.


Today"s Feng became a little traitor, and told me all your thoughts about me. Have you received my thoughts sent to you by the stars?
