
日记大全 > 句子大全

错爱的伤心小短句 现实又美好(似艳阳般暖心)

句子大全 2023-01-03 03:46:02

Happiness is not too short, but we are too sensitive to pain.


I always meet the most beautiful surprise in the deepest despair.


Love, pain, hurt, forget, all the past, no trace of the past, only time is moving forward vigorously. Everything was quiet. All eternity, the vicissitudes of life are just a sudden dream. When you wake up, people will be scattered. No one stays for us, and we don"t have to stay for anyone. Now only the sour memories are left, and they are empty.


I"d rather keep silent and make people look like fools, than prove that I am.


In fact, when someone plays someone else, it is themselves that they unconsciously reveal.


Every time I see your back, my heart breaks behind you into a whole sea.


In the past, when I was miserable, I would cry, write a log with thousands of words, and send a text message to someone repeatedly saying that I would become like this, which is all your fault. Now, all I can do is squeeze out a perfunctory smile and say I"m fine.


People who have no chance with you, no matter how much you talk to them, it is nonsense. If you are destined for someone, your existence can awaken all his feelings. Some people are strangers even after knowing each other for several years, and there always seems to be a kind of diaphragm between them, like flowers blooming on the other shore, which are relatively distant and untouchable. And some people are close at the moment of appearance, as if they were lost and then recognized again. That kind of proximity has a warm and real texture.


The things that we thought we would never forget for a moment were forgotten by us in the process that we never forget for a moment.


Drink a pot of green tea, write a few lines of seal script, and look at the flowing clouds. There is no generosity and tolerance in the world, but there is simplicity and calmness in the dust. Years are changing rapidly, and even if you have the ability to predict the future, the outcome will inevitably be biased. Looking back on the past, we gathered and separated, but it was a fleeting time. Keep the present, don"t look for the scenery once reserved, and don"t make promises that will be broken sooner or later. Willing to be happy with the vegetation.

