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抖音点赞过万的英文句子 唯美文艺范(值得收藏起来慢慢看)

句子大全 2023-01-04 05:15:01

1、This is not the distance between the sea and the sky, just missing the height up apart.海与天之间本没有距离,相隔的只是仰头思念的高度。

2、There is a kind of beauty that once owned, there is a kind of beauty after love.有一种美丽叫曾经拥有,有一种美丽在爱过以后。

3、Save so many couples head, but never used with anyone.保存了那么多的情侣头像,却从来没有和谁用过。

4、Forget yourself once more beautiful, not dirty, do not hide a dagger behind a smile.忘了自己曾经多美好,不会脏话,不会笑里藏刀。

5、Even if the fall is covered with wounds, still can be brilliant smile.即使摔得满身是伤,笑容依旧可以灿烂如花。

6、If you do not understand, speak out, if you understand, don"t say, smile can.如果不懂,就说出来,如果懂了,就别说,笑笑即可。

7、Laughter is the most true camouflage, tears are the most free release.笑是最真实的伪装,泪是最自由的释放。

8、To look back,and saw one no longer young,never make public does not rise.再回首,看见自己不再韶华,再也张扬不起来。

9、A simple greeting, bearing the number of unknown emotions.一句简单的问候,承载了多少不为人知的情感。

10、What time, we love the quiet, but also very lonely.什么时候,我们喜欢上了安静,却又很怕寂寞。

11、No matter how reasonable a man is, he can"t beat a tear from a woman.不管男人有如何道理,也敌不过女人的一滴眼泪。

12、Even if I have thousands of thousands of not good, but I love you, is the best.纵使我有千不好万不好吗,但爱着你时的我,是最好的。

13、Make friends with yourself, patience, tolerance, no demands on themselves.跟自己做朋友,对自己忍耐、宽容、没有强求。

14、When a person I am afraid of loneliness, two people I am afraid of silence.一个人时我害怕寂寞,两个人时我害怕沉默。

15、Most people pursue flying life, in fact, ordinary life is the color.人们大都追求飞扬的人生,其实,平凡才是人生的底色。

16、If love, portable hand to the old; if Miss, will protect him well.如若相爱,便携手到老;如若错过,便护他安好。
