
日记大全 > 句子大全

发朋友圈要账的句子 好借好还(再借不难)

句子大全 2023-01-04 07:02:01

1、 结束友情的方式有许多种,最彻底的一种是借钱不还。

There are many ways to accept friendship, the most thorough one is to borrow money and not pay it back.

2、你向我借钱的时候我二话没说, 我让你还钱的时候你却有千言万语。

When you borrowed money from me, I didn't say a word. When I asked you to pay back the money, you had a thousand words.


Pay slow and you will get no dough Borrowing money from others is not a duty, it is a sentiment. Try not to owe it without owing it. If you owe a favor, you must know how to be grateful.

4、在这个薄情的年代,想让一个人 对你刻骨铭心,念念不忘,就是向他借钱,然后借了不还。

In this age of thin feelings, if you want a person to remember you, you will borrow money from him and then borrow it.

5、 借钱给你是支持,不催是信任, 还钱是诚信,请不要拿别人的支持与信任而毁坏了自己的诚信。

Lending money to you is support, not urging is trust, paying back money is integrity, please don‘t take the support and trust of others and destroy your integrity.

6、 上联:要一天,拖一天,急一天,上火!下联:继续要,继续拖,继续等,着急! 横批:要账真难!

Shanglian. It takes a day to delay, and it is urgent to get angry one day. Xialian. Keep going. Keep going. Keep waiting. Horizontal batch It’s hard to ask for an account.

7、借钱前称之为朋友,借钱后是你大爷, 还钱了他便成了你的恩人。

Call it a friend before borrowing money, and your uncle after borrowing money. Pay back the money, and he‘ll be your benefactor.

8、 快年底了,借了钱的朋友们记得还钱, 借了钱给我的朋友记得提醒我还钱。

Near the end of the year, the friends who borrowed the money remembered to pay back the money, borrowed money to my friends, and remembered to remind me to pay back the money.


I don’t know when to start paying back money has become the only criterion for testing friendship.


See people‘s hearts when borrowing money. See character when you pay back the money.



