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只知道一句 “with(you” 其实 with 的用法还有很多)

句子大全 2023-01-05 05:33:01

01.with 结构的构成

它是由介词 with 或 without+ 复合结构构成,复合结构作介词 with 或 without 的复合宾语,复合宾语中第一部分宾语由名词或代词 充当,第二部分补足语由形容词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式或分词充当,分词能够是现在分词,也能够是过去分词。

With 结构构成方式如下:

1. with 或 without- 名词/ 代词+形容词;

2. with 或 without- 名词/ 代词+副词;

3. with 或 without- 名词/ 代词+介词短语;

4. with 或 without- 名词/ 代词 + 动词不定式;

5. with 或 without- 名词/ 代词 + 分词。


1、 She came into the room ,with her nose red because of cold.(with+ 名词+形容词,作伴随状语)

2、 With the meal over , we all went home.(with+ 名词+副 词,作时间状语)

3、The master was walking up and down with the ruler under his arm 。(with+ 名词+介词短语,作伴随状语。) The teacher entered the classroom with a book in his hand.

4、He lay in the dark empty house ,with not a man , woman or child to say he was kind to me.(with+ 名词+不定式,作伴随状语) He could not finish it without me to help him.(without+ 代词+不定式,作条件状语)

5、She fell asleep with the light burning.(with+ 名词+现 在分词,作伴随状语) Without anything left in the with 结构是很多英语复合结构中最常用的一种。


02.with 结构的用法

with 是介词,其意义颇多,一时难掌握。


在句子中 with 结构多数充当状语,表示行为方式,伴随情况、时间、原因或条件。

1. 带着,牵着…… (表动作特征 )。

如:Run with the kite like this.

2. 附加、附带着……(表事物特征) 。

如:A glass of apple juice, two glasses of coke, two hamburgers with potato chips, rice and fish.

3. 和…… (某人 )一起。

a. 跟某人一起(居住、吃、喝、玩、交谈……) 。

如:Now I am in China with my parents. Sometimes we go out to eat with our friends. He / She"s talking with a friend.

b. 跟 go, come 连用,有 " 加入"到某方的意思。

如:Do you want to come with me?

4. 和 play 一起构成短语动词 play with,意为"玩耍……,玩弄……"


Two boys are playing with their yo-yos.

5. 与help 一起构成 help...with...句式,意为"帮助 (某人) 做 (某事)"。


On Monday and Wednesday, he helps his friends with their English.

6. 表示面部神情,有“含着……,带着……”


"I"m late for school," said Sun Yang, with tears in his eyes.

7. 表示 "用……"


You play it with your feet.

What do the farmers do with your machines?

8. 表示 "对……, 关于……"。


What"s wrong with it?

There"s something wrong with my computer.

03.with 结构的特点

1. with结构由介词with或without+复合结构构成。



With him taken care of,we felt quite relieved.(欣慰) →(He was taken good care of.)

She fell asleep with the light burning.→(The light was burning.)

With her hair gone, there could be no use for them.→(Her hair was gone.)

2. 在with结构中,第一部分为人称代词时,则该用宾格代词。


He could not finish it without me to help him.

04.with 重要考点说明

1. with结构在句子中的位置:

with 结构在句中作状语,表示时间、条件、原因时一般放在句子前面,并用逗号与句子分开;表示方式和伴随状况时一般放在句子后面,不用逗号分开。若with结构作定语,则放在所修饰的名词之后,一般不用逗号隔开。

2. with结构作状语时,不定式、现在分词、和过去分词的区别:



With the boy leading the way,we found he house easily.(小男孩已领过路)

With the boy to lead the way,we will find the house easily tomorrow.(小男孩明天将领路)

He lay on the bed with the bedroom door shut.(寝室被关着)

3. with结构与独立主格结构的关系:




There were rows of white houses with trees in front of them.("with+复合宾语"结构,在句中作定语)

A strong man working a whole day could not jump this high.(名词+现在分词构成的独立主格结构,作主语)

The boy said, turning to the man, his eyes opened wide and his hand raised.(独立主格结构,表示伴随状况或行为方式,作状语)

Then last night,I followed him here,and climbed in,sword in hand.(名词+介词短语构成的独立主格结构,作状语,表示伴随情况)
