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温柔系句子‖做一个可爱的人 不烦世事(满心欢喜)

句子大全 2023-01-09 03:48:01

我希望你被打磨, 永远光明磊落, 我希望你能走过山山水水 ,写温柔的字 ,坦荡地爱, 我希望你被阅读 ,不被辜负 ,你要飘摇着美丽 ,活得丰盛 ,或庄重。

I hope you will be polished and aboveboard forever. I hope you can walk through mountains and rivers, write gentle words and love me openly. I hope you will not be betrayed when you are read. You will be swayed by beauty and live abundantly or solemnly.

每个人都有属于自己的一片森林,也许我们从来不曾去过,但它一直在那里,总会在那里。 迷失的人迷失了,相逢的人会再相逢。


Everyone has his own forest. Maybe we have never been there before, but it is always there, always there. Lost people are lost, and those who meet will meet again.

-Haruki Murakami



There are many things I want to say to you, but I have never had a chance. I carried them through the season, over the elevated, spread between the mountains and the sea. Flowers bloom is a sentence, and nights overflow is an article. Writing begins at dusk, dawn is countless title page. I love you as the last line of the world"s poem.

-Zhang Jiajia, Passing Through Your World



You see, the flowers in the south of the city are blooming, and what you have to endure has all survived.Don"t be unhappy

-mountains may depart

“你不要着急,你先去读你的书,我也去看我的电影。总有一天,我们会窝在一起,读同一本书,看同一部电影。” ——《萤火虫》网易云音乐热评

"You don"t worry, you go to read your book first, I also go to see my movie. One day, we will nest together, read the same book and watch the same movie. "

——"Firefly" Netease Cloud Music Hot Review

如果你爱一个人, 一定要告诉他, 不是为了要他报答, 而是让他在以后黑暗的日子里,否定自我的时候, 想起世界上还有人这么爱他, 他并非一无是处。——三岛由纪夫

If you love a person, you must tell him, not to repay him, but to remind him that there are still people in the world who love him so much when he denies himself in the dark days to come. He is not worthless.

-Yukio Mishima

“有些人做自己 ,就给了你无限勇气与信心和这个不温柔的世界抗争” 如果你遇见了这样一个人,你一定会明白这句话的含义 。

"Some people who are themselves give you infinite courage and confidence to fight against this world that is not gentle." If you meet such a person, you will certainly understand the meaning of this sentence.


The moon will not shine either.An asteroid hit him all over,People said it was gentle, so it had to hide on the mountain.


Did I ever tell you,So many flowers, trees, rivers, mountains,Starry universe, kittens and puppies, butterflies and bees,I only like you.


You really don"t need to be a very good adult, your kind and childlike appearance is actually very cute. When you make a mistake, you will become a little confused. It"s cool to stick to your choice seriously. You"re really good, really.


