
日记大全 > 句子大全

适合晒娃发的幽默句子 可爱温馨(值得分享)

句子大全 2023-01-11 04:48:01

1. 我有理由怀疑你是想卖可爱偷走我的心。

I have reason to suspect that you are trying to sell cute and steal my heart.

2. 我听过成千上万个完美的句子,没有什么比得上你可爱的样子。

I"ve heard thousands of perfect sentences. There"s nothing like your lovely appearance.

3. 以前的少年,现在已经又大又圆了。

The former youth is now big and round.

4. 让我心烦的是你,萌我的心也是你!

Let me upset is you, Meng my heart is you!

5. 我家的猪出栏了,那些种白菜的,看好白菜啊!

My family"s pigs are on the market. Those who grow Chinese cabbage are good at Chinese cabbage!

6. 孩子床单湿了,在朋友圈晒晒,应该能晒干吧。

The children"s sheets are wet. They should be able to dry in the circle of friends.

7. 家里来了个新人,7斤2,拿着棒枪呢!

There"s a new man at home, 7 Jin 2, with a stick and gun!

8. 他们在朋友圈晒的是各种恩爱,我晒的是我一生的挚爱。

They bask in all kinds of love in the circle of friends, and I bask in the love of my life.

9. 因为你,我的世界变得乱七八糟,也变得更加美丽了。

Because of you, my world has become a mess and more beautiful.

10. 可爱的你,是爸爸妈妈的心肝宝贝,愿你快乐成长!

Lovely you, is father mother"s heart baby, wishes you to grow happily!

11. 尽管现在的你还不会说话,但是你的眼睛在告诉我,你很爱妈妈!

Although you can"t speak now, your eyes are telling me that you love mom very much!

12. 小孩这样的生物,说的好听点,叫“小情人”,其实谁当父母不知道,这就是小债主。

A child is a kind of creature. To put it better, it"s called "little lover". In fact, it"s unknown who is the parent. This is the little creditor.

13. 前面有个胖团子快速接近镜头,朋友圈的大家小心心被俘了吗?

There is a fat ball in front of the camera. Have you been captured?

14. 这个小朋友,非要跑出来和叔叔阿姨兄弟姐妹们打个招呼,跪求夸一下自己可爱。

This child, must run out to say hello with uncle aunt brothers and sisters, kneel down to beg to praise oneself lovable.


