
日记大全 > 句子大全

超级现实的句子 成长总是痛苦的(希望你能活出自己的样子)

句子大全 2023-01-11 04:56:01

1.有多少钱办多少事 有细节可以没钱 没细节就要有钱 你总不能什么都没有 空手套白狼吧

How much money to do how many things can have no money no details to have money you can"t have nothing empty handed white wolf

2.他永远不会觉得亏欠我什么 甚至不知道对我造成的伤害有多大 他让我觉得我是最差劲最差劲的女孩

He will never feel that he owes me anything or even knows how much damage he has done to me. He makes me think that I am the worst and worst girl

3.你连我的枯燥乏味 陈词滥调都忍受不了 那我凭什么给你些跟别人不一样的东西

You can"t stand my boring platitudes. Why should I give you something different from others

4.我逃了很久拒绝了很多人 后来直到遇见你 我开始动摇相信所谓的苦尽甘来 最后发现你也是骗我的

I escaped for a long time, refused many people, and then until I met you, I began to waver, believe that the so-called bitter sweet, and finally found that you are cheating me

5.我们都是成年人了 你不用对我撒谎 我并不生气 我只是生气你在浪费我的感情 热情 以及我对爱情的幻想

We"re all adults. You don"t have to lie to me. I"m not angry. I"m just angry that you"re wasting my passion and my fantasies about love

6.以前想尽办法偷偷出去玩 现在想尽方法往家里赶 以前想尽方法骗爸妈的钱 现在吃着面包说自己有钱

I used to try my best to sneak out to play. Now I try my best to catch up with my parents. I used to cheat my parents for money. Now I eat bread and say I have money

7.能遇到一个可以分享快乐的人太不容易了 就是那种不会嫉妒你也不会嘲笑你 只是因为你高兴而为你高兴的人

It"s not easy to meet someone who can share your happiness. It"s the kind of person who doesn"t envy you or laugh at you, but is happy for you because you"re happy


In fact, a lot of things like to open up, others behind the dog you don"t look up to you, is not because face-to-face fear that you can"t play you
