
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-01-11 06:15:01



1.(10分)Have you ever read an English report from a university?Let"s take a look at this one here.

An end of term report from Southwestern University

Last name :Martella

First name:Javier

School ID number:15604088﹣B

School year :2019﹣ 2020

Course:English Basic 2

Term:3 (final)


Well done,Javier.You are always active in speaking at school,and this is great.I always enjoy reading your writings

Sometimes you still make small grammar mistakes,and I think you should improve your vocabulary.I suggest you go over the important things that we learned this term.There is much language practice in your online workbook.

The area you need to work on the most is listening.I know this is difficult for you.I think you need more practice at home.Watching English TV shows and listening to tapes as much as possible can be of great help.

Have a nice holiday,and good luck for next term!

(1)From the school report,what can we know about Erin Gibbs?

A.Erin Gibbs is a student.

B.Erin Gibbs is a parent.

B.Erin Gibbs is a teacher.

D.Erin Gibbs is a cleaner.

(2)What is Javier"s total mark for English Basic 2 this term?





(3)Which area didn"t Javier pass this term?

A.Listening skills.

B.Reading skills.

C.Writing skills.


(4)How can students improve their English listening?

A.By learning from mistakes.

B.By reading more English books.

C.By doing more language practice in workbooks.

D.By watching English TV shows and listening to tapes.

(5)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The report is for the course English Basic 3.

B.Javier never had trouble in his listening skills.

C.Of all the courses this term,Javier did the best in the writing skills.

D.A student can never get a mark over 20 for the test of speaking skills.

2.(10分)In 1997,Lottie Williams was walking through a park in Oklahoma,the USsomething fell on her shoulder and then to the ground.She picked it up.It was about as heavy as a tennis ball.Later,scientists told her it was a piece of a Delta II rocket that had been used to launch a satellite.

Many countries around the world have sent satellites into space.We need satellites to send and receive TV and radio signals to report the weather and for many other purposes.But when they become old or break down,we just leave them there.Some of them are still in space and become space rubbish.

It is said that there are about 16,000 objects larger than 10 centimeters wide flying around the earth and millions of smaller objects,too.They travel at around 7 kilometers a second.That"s too fast!And it"s their speed that makes these pieces of space rubbish really dangerous.

If one small piece of space rubbish hits something at a high speed,that hardly ever happens because of scientists" careful designs.But in 2009,an old Russian satellite hit an American satellite and created about 2

Sometimes pieces of space rubbish enter the earth"s atmospher again and then drop to the ground.Lottie Williams is perhaps the only person who has been hit so far.Most space rubbish burns up and doesn"t reach the earth.

In 2011,a 35﹣centimeter﹣wide metal ball fell to the earth in Namibia,Africa.It made a hole in the ground 30 centimeters deep and over 3.3 meters wide.Lottie was lucky she wasn"t hit by it!

(1)What does the underlined word "something" in Paragraph 1 refer to?

A.A tennis ball.


C.A piece of a rocket.

D.A piece of a satellite.

(2)Why do most pieces of space rubbish hardly ever do any harm to people"s life?

A.Because they are only small pieces.

B.Because they travel at a low speed.

C.Because scientists design carefully.

D.Because scientists burn them up with fire.

(3)When did the old Russian satellite hit the American satellite?

A.In 1997.

B.In 2009.

C.In 2011.

D.In 2020.

(4)What does the underlined word "atmosphere" in the last paragraph mean in Chinese?





(5)What is the main purpose of the passage?

A.To help people understand what space rubbish is.

B.To tell what people can do to keep away from space rubbish.

C.To talk about the dangers of space rubbish.

D.To tell the history of space rubbish.

3.(10分)You get to stay home alone!You"re probably excited,but you also might be a little nervous.That"s perfectly common.

But how can you really keep the possible danger away from you while you are at home a﹣lone?Don"t worry.The following advice may help you.

Follow your parents" rules.Your parents want you to stay safe.That"s why they have rules.If you"re not sure what the rules are,sit down with your parents and write out a list of them together.

Lock the doors and windows.Although break﹣ins are unusual,they can happen.The best thing you can do is to keep the doors and windows locked when you"re inside.In this way,no one can come in unless you let him in.If someone you don"t know comes,ask him or her to leave it or come back later.

Stay away from dangerous things in the house.Even though you"re staying at home alone,you still need to stay away from dangerous things.Don"t play with fire,knives or things with electricity.What"s more

Call your parents if you need to.If something happens and you don"t know what to do,call your parents,relatives or trusted neighbors.They can help you solve the problem.It"s best to know your parents" phone numbers by heart.

(1)How many pieces of advice does the writer talk about?





(2)What can you do if you"re not sure about your parents" rules?

A.Talk with your parents.

B.Write out a list of the rules.

C.Ignore the rules.

D.Make the rules by yourself.

(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Parents make family rules to keep themselves safe.

B.No one can get into your house if you"re alone.

C.Whether you are badly ill or not,you cannot take any medicine anytime.

D.You can turn to your trusted neighbors for help when you have troubles.

(4)What can you do when a person is coming to your house with a package?

A.Tell him or her to walk in.

B.Just ignore him or her.

C.Ask him or her to leave it.

D.Go out and take it in by yourself.

(5)What"s the best title for this passage?

A.Ways to warn dangers

B.How to keep excited at home

C.Ways to stay away from dangers

D.How to talk with parents

4.(10分)At the beginning of May,I went to the Con Brio Sun Peaks Music Festival with my school bands.(1) .It has attracted over 5,000 musicians.I have looked forward to it for a long time.

We left our school early in the morning and set off to Sun Peaks,a beautiful village in British Columbia,in the west of Canada.Everyone was excited in the bus.(2) We checked in and got some rest in the hotel.We played some fun games and also had free time to go shopping.

The best part of this three﹣day music trip was our performance.(3) I was very nervous.I saw them talking to each other when we were playing.I played the violin for both the Grade 9 and Grade 10 bands.After each performance,we had a chance to meet one of the experienced band directors.(4) .We learned how to have better teamwork with our director and how to listen to each other.

We don"t know the result yet,but I think we did a good job.Before we went back,we received a CD of our performance and advice from the judges.(5) I enjoyed this fantastic music festival and I hope I can go there again next year.


A.It took us four hours to get to the hotel.

B.We performed three pieces of music for the judges.

C.I think we can improve more after we listen to the CD.

D.The director taught us how to improve our performance.

E.This festival has been held for 13 years and is very successful in Canada.


5.(15分)Look at the bus in the picture!It looks like part of the city"s public transportation system,but instead of passengers it (1) over 500 books for children and teenagers.Every day from sunrise to dusk,it travels the(2) of Kabul.

It opens its doors to those who want to enjoy the joy of (3) .The bus,called Charmaghz (the Dari for walnut),is the Afghan capital"s (4) ever library on wheels.

We often go to (5) to read and study.But things are(6) in Afghanistan.The country has suffered from wars.Children there cannot always find books.But this mobile library can (7) some help.

Freshta Karim is the founder of the mobile library.She changed a bus into a library.The bus (8) along the streets for about two hours at a time.Children are welcome to visit it before or after school.They can read,play chess and learn.But just like other libraries,you can"t talk(9) when you visit it!

Freshta Karim told the reporter, "I always feel sorry (10) .I didn"t have a chance to visit a library when I was a child.So I decided to(11) this project.

When kids come to us and read books,I see them as children who(12) their childhood.Even some kids look tired,but once they start reading books,they enjoy the experience.We want to bring (13) to children"s faces through books. ""

The city of Kabul has a population of over 7 million people,but it has only 12(14) libraries.The mobile library offers all kinds of books(15) young readers.Surely it can help them learn more about the world outside.

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四.语篇填空(15小题,每小题10分,共15分)第一节阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填 一词,每词限用一次。


Matkerim is a villager in Xinjiang.At the end of a hot summer day,he likes to take a shower with hot water before (1) to bed.His new house is more than 100 square meters with a TV,a washing machine and (2) modern furniture.His mother has got used to keeping vegetables and fruit in the fridge to keep(3) fresh.

However,things were(4) different ten years ago.A family could only have a small (5) with simple furniture in then.The modern furniture seems common in developed areas,(6) it was far away from Matkerim"s life.

In 2018,Matkerim and his family(7) into their new home in the same village.His wife also got a(8) with the help of the government.Like Matkerim"s family,more and(9) villagers are enjoying a modern life now.

Over the(10) ,new homes,roads reaching the doors and free education for children have brought a new life for Matkerim and other villagers. "Now,I know how a happy life is created,"Mamettimin said.


7.(5分)France is the largest country in Western Europe.It has a population of over 66 million.The country has many famous places of interest,(1) the River Seine and the Eiffel Tower.

Many visitors also come for the country"s art.The sculptor Auguste Rodin and the painter Claude Monet once created their great works here.If you visit France today,it is not a surprise to meet street artists in the city (2) meet up with a singer in the subway.

Besides,French food (3) world﹣famous.Bread is very important in France.(4) best﹣known French bread is called baguette. (5) is long,delicious and tastes salty.

But France is not always good.Paris,the city of light,may also show its dark side to visitors.Chinese visitors feel sorry about the crowded subway in Paris.


8.(10分)A:Hello,Wang Lin!Long time no see. (1) .

B:I have been on vacation in Chongqing.

A:(2) .

B:I went there by train.The high﹣speed train ran very fast.

A:How long did it take you to get there?

B:(3) .It used to take over five hours.

A:New technology makes our life easier.What a happy life we are living!

B:(4) .But in some poor areas,many people are still living a hard life.

A:Yes.What can we do to help them?

B:(5) .

A:Sounds great!But how can we do that?

B:I have no good idea.Let" s find our teacher for help.


9.(20分)目前我国人口已经突破14亿。你认为我国人口现状有哪些利和弊?请根据下面的要点和 要求写一篇英语发言稿。




I"m glad to share my idea about the population of our country.________


1.【解答】(1)A.细节判断题。根据An end of term report from Southwestern University;First name:Javier(西南大学的期末报告;名字:哈维尔)以及 Well done,and this is ,too.(干得好。你在学校总是积极发言。我也一直喜欢读你的文章。)可知从学校的报告中。故选A。

(2)D.细节理解题。根据Mark for this term 。故选D。

(3)A.细节理解题。根据Listening ;F(听力技巧:20。故选A。

(4)D.细节理解题。根据Watching English TV shows and listening to tapes as much as possible can be of great help.可知尽可能多地看英语电视节目和听磁带会有很大帮助。

(5)D.细节判断题。根据Speaking ,Maximum ,最高分:20分)可知一个学生在口语技能测试中永远不会得到超过20分的分数。

2.【解答】(1)C 推理判断题。由第一段最后一句话Later,科学家告诉她。可知,故选C。

(2)C 细节理解题。由第三段倒数二,it can do a lot of harm.Luckily,它会造成很大的伤害,由于科学家们的精心设计。可知,太空垃圾很少对人造成危害。

(3)B 细节理解题。由第三段But in 2009,000 pieces of space rubbish,一颗旧的俄罗斯卫星撞上了一颗美国卫星!可知是2009年。

(4)B 词义猜测题。由最后一段第一句Sometimes pieces of space rubbish enter the earth"s atmosphere again and then drop to the ground.有时,然后落到地面上,是进入大气层然后落到地面,故选B。

(5)A 主旨大意题。由第二段But when they become old or break down,我们就把它们留在那里,成为太空垃圾,全文介绍了什么是太空垃圾。故选A。

3.【解答】(1)B.总结归纳题。根据 Follow your parents" rules.Lock the doors and windows.Stay away from dangerous things in the house.Call your parents if you need to.(遵守你父母的规则。远离家里的危险物品,给你的父母打电话。故选B。

(2)B.细节理解题。根据If you"re not sure what the rules are,那就和你父母坐下来。故选B。

(3)D.细节判断题。根据If something happens and you don"t know what to do,relatives or trusted neighbors.可知如果发生了什么事,给你的父母。故选D。

(4)C.细节理解题。根据If someone you don"t know comes,ask him or her to leave it or come back later.可知如果你不认识的人来了。如果此人正在递送包裹。故选C。

(5)C.标题归纳题。通读全文?Don"t worry.The following advice may help you.但是,你如何才能真正远离可能的危险呢。以下建议可能会对你有所帮助。故选C。


(1)E.根据前句"At the beginning of May,I went to the Con Brio Sun Peaks Music Festival with my school bands.五月初。"可知说的是音乐节,应说这个节日已经举办了13年。故选E。

(2)A.根据后句"We checked in and got some rest in the hotel.我们登记入住并在酒店休息了一会儿。"可知说的是酒店,应说我们花了四个小时才到旅馆。

(3)B.根据前句"The best part of this three﹣day music trip was our performance.这三天的音乐之旅中最精彩的部分是我们的表演。"可知说的是音乐表演,应说我们为评委表演了三首曲子。

(4)D.根据后句"We learned how to have better teamwork with our director and how to listen to each other.我们学会了如何与指挥更好地合作,以及如何互相倾听,结合选项。故选D。

(5)C.根据前句"Before we went back,we received a CD of our performance and advice from the judges.在我们回去之前。"可知说的是CD,应说我想听了这张CD之后我们可以改进得更多。

5.【解答】(1)D 动词辨析。A.respects尊重 C.spreads传播 ;句子中说到这辆车不是载客的 书籍。

(2)B 名词辨析。A.villages 村庄B.streets街道 ;从第三段的句子"The bus (8)____along the streets for about two hours at a time."可以得出、停留。

(3)C 动词辨析 C.reading阅读 ;前面说的是"流动的图书馆"。故选:C。

(4)A 副词辨析 B.most最多的 D.best 最好的 Freshta Karim is the founder of the mobile library.(弗雷什塔卡里姆死流动的图书馆的创始人)"可以推出。故选:A。

(5)D 名词辨析。A.classrooms教室 C.hotels旅馆 ;从句子"We often go to (5)_____to read and study."知道。故选:D。

(6)B 形容词辨析。A.important 重要的B.different不同的 ;but表示"转折关系"。故选:B。

(7)D 动词辨析。A.refuse 拒绝B.increase增加 ;这里要表达的意思是:流动的图书馆能够"提供offer"帮助。

(8)C 动词辨析。A.reaches 到达B.sets 出发C.stops停留 ;句子中说"车载一条街上停留(stop)两个小时"。

(9)A 副词辨析。A.loudly大声地 C.impolitely有礼貌地 ;在图书馆里不能"大声地谈话talk loudly"是常识。

(10)D 连词辨析。A.until直到 C.when当......的时候 ;从句子""I always feel sorry (10)_____I didn"t have a chance to visit a library when I was a child."我们知道。故选:D。

(11)A 动词辨析。A.start开启 C.value珍惜 ;句子中表达的是"So I decided to(11)_____this project.(我决定要开启(start)这个工程)"。

(12)C 动词辨析。A.notice留意 ;这里说的是"使孩子们快乐"。故选:C。

(13)B 名词辨析。A.darkness 黑暗B.happiness 幸福C.sadness悲伤 ;句子的意思是"他们想要把快乐(happiness)待到孩子们的脸上"。

(14)A 形容词辨析。A.public 公共的B.possible 可能的C.patient 耐心的D.comfortable 舒适的,但是只有12个公共(public)图书馆"。故选:A。

(15)D 介词辨析。"向某人提供某物"为offer sth.to sb.。故选:D。

6.【解答】(1)going.考查动词.根据句意,在炎热的夏天结束时。go to bed,上床睡觉,后跟动词ing形式。

(2)other.考查形容词.根据句意,他的新房子有一百多平方米,洗衣机和其他现代化家具 furniture。故答案为:other。

(3)them.考查代词.根据句意,他妈妈已经习惯把蔬菜和水果放在冰箱里保鲜了,指代上文提到的vegetables fruit。


(5)house.考查名词.根据句意,那时。这里与上文的十年后的生活成对比 new "可知。故答案为:house。




(9)more.考查形容词.根据句意,像Matkerim一家一样。more and more,固定搭配。


7.【解答】(1)like.考查介词.根据句意,这个国家有许多著名的名胜古迹。由下文"the Seine the Tower."可知是对上文的举例,像/如……。


(3)is.考查动词.根据句意,此外。这里用的一般现在时 food,所以be动词用三单形式is。



8.【解答】(1)Where have you been to?根据答语I 。可知问句应该是你去了哪里。要用have been to?

(2)How did you go there?根据答语went there by 。)可知问句应该是你怎样去那里的,所以问句应该是一般过去时态?

(3)It took us about two hours.根据问句"How long did it take you?"(它花费了你多长时间,回答也是一般过去时 took 。故答案为:It took us about two hours.

(4)Yes,a lot of people are living a happy life.根据上一句What a happy life we "re living。和下一句But some people in poor areas are living a life.(但贫困地区的一些人仍然过着艰苦的生活)可知本句要说是的很多人过着幸福的生活。故答案为:Yes,a 。

(5)How about raising money for them?以及下文"我们应该如何做,回答应该是帮助他们的办法?


I"m to my about population our ,with 1.4 billion people so far.That"s one seventh of the world"

Large population brings lots of problems.More people need more food,we have a large number of talents in all fields.Large population makes a large market

In my opinion ,large population can become a great force.【高分句型二】(建议)
