
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-01-11 06:19:01

只要五个句子便可掌握get的相关短语,易记会用!四六级研考必学妙招!1. We haven"t got much time. Let"s get down to business. I hate to leave the others to finish the job. Let"s get it over and done with.have got现在拥有get down to business着手办正事;正式开始讨论实质问题;别再为……争辩了get it over克服get down with抓紧完成全句意思:我们没多少时间了。动手干起来吧,我不喜欢把活儿留给别人干。我们克服一下,抓紧完成。2. Her son didn"t get paid very much. But mother and son managed to get by. So her son"s sudden death was a terrible blow to her. She just couldn"t get over it.get paid 是get+V-ed,构成被动语态,相当于are paid,意为“得到报酬”get by勉强应付get over it忘记,跨过全句意思: 她儿子收入虽然不高,但勉强可以维持母子俩的开支。因此她儿子突然去世,对她是个巨大的打击。 她过不了心里那道坎。3. She was very easy to get along with. She knew a bit of Chinese and I knew a bit of Russian. So we managed to get across our ideas. We soon became good friends.get along with相处get across (one"s ideas)把……讲清楚;(使)被理解全句意思:她很容易相处。她懂一点汉语,而我又懂一点俄语,因此我们都能弄懂彼此的意思,很快便成了好朋友。4. The news of the scandal got around quickly and he was condemned by public opinion. But he still thought that with his father"s power and influence he would get away with it.get around/round 传播开来get away with (sth.)逃避处罚(责备)全句意思:丑闻很快便传开了,他受到了舆论的谴责。不过他还妄想着以他父亲的权利和影响力,他可以逃避处罚。5. The bus got to the station and my mother got up. But before she could get off, the bus started to move again. "Not so fast! I"m getting off, you know, "she shouted to the conductor. "Sorry, the conductor apologized. "I thought you were getting on."get to 抵达get up (站)起来get off下车get on上车全句意思:公共汽车到站了,我妈站了起来。还没等她下车,公共汽车又往前移动了。"慢点!我要下车!"她朝着司机喊了一声。"对不起,"司机道歉到,"我以为你是刚上车的。"把这几个句子理解透,你就掌握get主要短语的意思啦!一举多得!加油鸭![加油]
