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医院常用英语词汇 短语(句子全搞定)

句子大全 2023-01-11 06:52:01

哪儿痛?: Where does it hurt?

告诉我哪里痛?: Tell me where it hurt?

我浑身痛。: I‘m aching all over.

我背部有点痛。: I’ve got a slight ache in my back.

我感到腿部一阵剧痛。: I felt a sharp pain in my leg.

我有各种疼痛。: I have various aches and pain.

我眼痛。: My eyes hurt.

My eyes are hurting me.

My eyes are sore.

I have sore eyes.

我耳朵疼。: My ear aches.

I have earache.

眼药水: eye drops

止咳糖浆: cough syrup

晕车药: travel sickness tablets

针灸疗法: acupuncture therapy

喉咙喷剂: throat spray

烧伤药:burn treatment cream

感冒胶囊: capsules for cold

cold relief capsules

流感冲剂: sachets of powder for flu

sachets of flu powder

维生素片: vitamin pills

vitamin tablets

王力车祸中受了轻伤。: Wang Li was slightly injured in the car crash.

他在事故中多处受伤。: He sustained multiple injuries in the accident.

他在火灾中严重烧伤。: He was badly burnt in the fire.

小张伤了背。: Xiao Zhang hurt his back.

她断了左臂。: She broke her left arm.

她扭伤了手腕。: She sprained her wrist.

扭伤很重。: It was a bad sprain.

他背老痛。: He has a bad back.

他有蛀牙。: He has bad teeth.

他有肾病。: He has kidney trouble.

他心脏弱。: He has a weak heart.

他胃不好。: He has a weak stomach.

表达得患、感染上或传染上某种病时,英语常用 have、catch、get、 develop或 contract。

得肺炎:to catch pneumonia

患疟疾:to catch malaria

食物中毒: to get food poisoning

患流感: to get flu

感染艾滋病: to contract Aids

to get Aids

患麻疹: to develop measles

to get measles


牙痛: to have a toothache

to have toothache

背痛: to have a backache

to have backache

肚子痛: to have a stomach ache

to have stomach ache


患感冒: to catch a cold

患头痛: to have a headache

患皮肤感染: to get an inflammation of the skin

突发流感: to have a bout of flu

突发神经紧张: to have a bout of nerves

哮喘病发作: to have an attack of asthma

心脏病发作: to have a heart attack

一阵咳嗽: to have a coughing fit

癫痫发作: to have an epileptic fit

患风湿: to have rheumatism

发高烧: to have a high fever

患皮肤癌: to have skin cancer

腹泻/拉肚子: to have diarrhoea

有支气管炎: to have bronchitis

他正接受心脏病的治疗。: He is being treated for heart trouble.

他吃了些咳嗽药。: He took some cough medicine.

我给开了感冒药片。: I have been prescribed tablets for flu.

这种药有处方时才卖。: This medicine is only available on prescription.

医生正在为他做手术。: The surgeon operating on him.

他左腿动过手术。: He had an operation on his left leg.

我接种过水痘。: I was vaccinated/immunized against.

I received/had a vaccination against chickenpox.

I had a chickenpox.

他打了感冒针。:He had flu injections.

护士给他打了感冒针。:The nurse gave him flu injections.

