
日记大全 > 句子大全

不带“爱”字 却能表达浓浓爱意的句子(带你感受世间温柔)

句子大全 2023-01-11 07:12:01


The moon will not run to you, but I will, never say goodbye to the kind of thousands of miles

2、无论给你用什么备注 都不及你的名字让人心跳加速

No matter what note is given to you, it doesn"t make your heart beat faster than your name

3、我想和你吃饭 酸甜苦辣我都爱吃 我想和你见一面 春夏秋冬我都有空 我想送你回家 东南西北我都顺路

I want to have a meal with you. I love it. I want to meet you in spring, summer, autumn and winter. I"m free. I want to take you home. I"m on my way to Southeast and northwest

4、当我列举出你的缺点 却发现自己已经成为一座思念的博物馆

When I list your shortcomings, I find that I have become a museum of missing

5、如果人类有尾巴的话 说起来有点不好意思 只要和你在一起 我定会止不住地摇起来

If human beings have tails, it"s a bit embarrassing to say, as long as I"m with you, I"ll never stop shaking

6、听到一些事 明明不相干 也还是会在心中拐好几个弯想到你

Hear some things clearly irrelevant, but also in the heart to turn several corners to think of you

7、你才不是一个普普通通的人 在我这你是全世界

You"re not an ordinary person. You"re the world here

记得悄悄收藏起给自己的女朋友发 ——晚安 睡个好觉
