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句子大全 2023-01-12 02:29:01

No matter how I can"t let go, you will never look back. So I chose to leave.


There is room for happiness, and there is room for sadness. So that we can spend a full moon.


It"s better for you to accept your fate than to complain. You can"t do anything better than accept your fate for unchangeable facts.


You must understand in your heart that no matter how much you love a person, you can expect something from him, but you must not rely too much on him.


A person"s loneliness, an unprecedented loneliness, is wrapped in layers by this dark night.


Try to make yourself better. If you meet someone you want to love someday, you will love more confidently.


A person has been searching for a long time, gaunt and tired, just want to stop in the warmth you give; The wandering heart has been wandering for too long, always stubbornly thinking that there is a harbor where I can avoid the wind in the distance, which has stranded my memory and is deserted; A person walks away and loses so much unconsciously; A person"s road, counting the dribs and drabs of the flying time, is surrounded by a city where flowers bloom thousands of miles away in one season, and after all, one person goes hiking.


The memories you give can only stop in the past, and if you want to go back, you can only wait until the next century.


It"s the first time to be a man. Why should I give you face? If you don"t know what self-love is, then don"t blame me, and don"t give you face.


When you have someone you want to see in your heart, you are no longer alone. Love me, don"t argue. If you don"t love it, it"s no use fighting for it. There is always an answer to everything. Love may make you feel overwhelmed, it will make you jealous and angry, and it will make you sad and shed tears. But it is warm in the end, and it can give you pleasure and security. If not, you either love the wrong person or use the wrong method.


Say that a person"s affection will not exceed four months. Once it exceeds, it is love, waiting to be loved or waiting for love to give up?


Russia is still a child, a child who smiles hard. Please don"t ask me how strong I am.

