
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-01-12 03:32:01

1、日子好像越来越好 ,又好像越来越回去了 ,说不快乐了吧也挺快乐的, 但有些东西之前有现在没有。

The days seem to be getting better and better, and it seems to be getting back. It is also quite happy to say that you are not happy, but there are some things that were before and are not now.


In fact, I am very sad, but I don"t know how to express my feelings. I will only say that I am very sad and will not disturb anyone for fear that others are busy.

3、他到最后还是把所有的罪名都推给了我, 说我变了, 他却不知道他折磨我生活点点滴滴的失望,都是他不爱我证据。

In the end, he blamed me for all the crimes and said that I had changed, but he did not know that every bit of disappointment he tortured my life was evidence that he did not love me.

4、其实也没有很难过, 只是想起来的时候还是会忍不住叹气 ,可能是我运气不够好 ,在想要被爱的路上总是会有这样那样的差错。

In fact, I"m not very sad either, but I still can"t help sighing when I think about it. Maybe I"m not lucky enough to be loved. There are always mistakes in this way and that.

5、“过了很久我才反应过来 我处处挑剔的生活 在处处包容着我”。

"It took me a long time to realize that my picky life is embracing me everywhere."


The dynamic and deleted, because this moment hate on a second melodramatic yourself.


"All of a sudden, I have figured it out. If I like it again, it will be over. I don"t have the courage to run to you again. I don"t have the persistence. I let you go and myself go. "

8、你这么通情达理, 一定是因为没人疼你, 没人纵容你 ,没人心疼你的委屈和难过吧。

You must be so reasonable because no one hurts you, no one connives at you, no one loves your grievance and sadness.


Those things that take a long time to understand will always be overturned by occasional emotional runaway.


In fact, it"s not sad to be misunderstood. Suddenly someone helped to explain and felt wronged and wanted to cry. You see, someone really knew that he knew that I did nothing wrong.


