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句子大全 2023-01-12 05:03:01




To figure out how much power these devices are using, Callie Babbitt and her colleagues at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York tracked the environmental costs for each product throughout its life — from when its minerals are mined to when we stop using the device.解析:

1. 简化结构:

…, Callie Babbitt and her colleagues … tracked the environmental costs … — ….

简化后的句子呈现简单句主谓宾结构,Callie Babbitt and her colleagues是并列主语,tracked是谓语,the environmental costs是宾语。

2. 回补成分:

2.1To figure out how much power these devices are using, Callie Babbitt and her colleagues… tracked the environmental costs… — ….

按序回补句子成分,动词不定式短语to figure out … 是目的状语修饰谓语tracked,由疑问副词how引导的从句how much power these devices are using是动词词组figure out的宾语从句。

2.2 To figure out how much power these devices are using, Callie Babbitt and her colleagues at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New Yorktracked the environmental costs for each product throughout its life, — ….

继续回补句子成分,介词短语at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York作后置定语修饰并列主语Callie Babbitt and her colleagues,介词短语for each product throughout its life作后置定语修饰costs。2.3 To figure out how much power these devices are using, Callie Babbitt and her colleagues at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York tracked the environmental costs for each product throughout its life — from when its minerals are mined to when we stop using the device.


3. 小结:




The show, which ran from 1993-2000, followed a teenage boy whose curiosity about life leads him into some hilarious adventures while growing up alongside his friends and family. 解析:

1. 简化结构:

The show, …, followed a teenage boy ….

简化后的句子为简单句, The show是主语,followed是谓语,a teenage boy是宾语。2. 回补成分:

2.1The show, which ran from 1993-2000, followed a teenage boy …

回补后的成分是主语the show的非限定性定语,将主谓成分分隔开,这种结构往往造成信息传递障碍,尤其是分隔部分比较长的情况下。

2.2The show, which ran from 1993-2000, followed a teenage boy whose curiosity about life leads him into some hilarious adventures ….

继续回补的成分,是主句宾语的定语从句,关系代词whose在从句中作主语curiosity的定语,同时引导定语从句,谓语是leads,介词短语about life作后置定语修饰curiosity,介词短语into some hilarious adventures作从句的状语修饰谓语动词lead。2.3The show, which ran from 1993-2000, followed a teenage boy whose curiosity about life leads him into some hilarious adventures while growing up alongside his friends and family.

最后回补成分,还原句子,由关联词while引导现在分词短语growing …做状语修饰,修饰定语从句中的谓语lead,介词短语alongside …作现在分词growing的状语。需要注意的是,根据上下文,现在分词growing的逻辑主语是其所在的定语从句中的宾语him,因逻辑关系明确清晰因而采用while growing…这种省略形式,可以还原成表示时间的状语从句:while he grew up alongside his friends and family。3. 小结:




That might mean either developing a uniform way to mark videos and images, showing when and who they were made by, or abandoning phone calls altogether and moving towards data-based communications — using apps like FaceTime or WhatsApp, which can be tied to your identity.解析:

1. 简化结构:

That might mean either developing …, or abandoning … and moving … — ….

简化后的句子为简单句,主谓宾结构清晰明了,主语是代词That,谓语是情态助动词might和动词mean,宾语是三个动名词developing,abandoning和moving,是并列宾语,副词either作状语并和连词or形成either…or结构。本句因并列成分多,为简明计,把动名词所带的宾语省略。2. 回补成分:

2.1That might mean either developing a uniform way to mark videos and images, …, or abandoning phone calls altogether and moving towards data-based communications — ….

回补后的成分包括,第一个并列宾语developing所带的宾语a uniform way to mark videos and images,其中动词不定式短语to mark videos and images作定语修饰way,第二个并列宾语abandoning所带的phone calls作宾语和副词altogether作状语,第三个并列宾语moving所带的towards data-based communications作状语。2.2That might mean either developing a uniform way to mark videos and images, showing when and who they were made by, or abandoning phone calls altogether and moving towards data-based communications — ….

继续回补后的成分是现在分词showing引导的短语作状语修饰动词不定式to mark,同时接由疑问副词when和关系代词who引导的宾语从句。2.3That might mean either developing a uniform way to mark videos and images, showing when and who they were made by, or abandoning phone calls altogether and moving towards data-based communications — using apps like FaceTime or WhatsApp, which can be tied to your identity.


3. 小结:

本句比较长且复杂,但更主要的是有些成分的修饰关系比较难确定,需要根据逻辑关系进行判断,如,showing是修饰developing还是修饰to mark需要仔细琢磨。



Although creators David Crane and Marta Kauffman"s series premiered on September 22, 1994 and went off the air on May 6, 2004, its sustaining popularity on streaming services -- coupled with our love of celebrating retro moments through a social media lens -- means that there are a ton of over-the-top promotions tied to this anniversary.解析:

1. 简化结构:

…, its sustaining popularity … -- … -- means ….

简化后的句子为简单句,主语是popularity,谓语是means,its sustaining分别是代词和现在分词作定语修饰主语popularity。2. 回补成分:

2.1…its sustaining popularity on streaming services -- coupled with our love of celebrating retro moments through a social media lens-- means….

回补后的成分on streaming services是介词短语作定语修饰popularity,两个破折号之间过去分词短语coupled with our love of celebrating retro moments through a social media lens是利用标点对之前的成分进行补充什么,可以看作是主语popularity的定语,其中coupled的逻辑主语是popularity,其状语是介词短语through a social media lens。

2.2…, its sustaining popularity on streaming services -- coupled with our love of celebrating retro moments through a social media lens -- means that there are a ton of over-the-top promotions tied to this anniversary.

回补后的句子为主从复合句,回补的成分是谓语means的宾语从句,主语是ton,介词短语of over-the-top promotions tied to this anniversary作后置定语修饰ton,其中现在分词短语tied to this anniversary作定语修饰promotions。2.3Although creators David Crane and Marta Kauffman"s series premiered on September 22, 1994 and went off the air on May 6, 2004, its sustaining popularity on streaming services -- coupled with our love of celebrating retro moments through a social media lens -- means that there are a ton of over-the-top promotions tied to this anniversary.

完全回补成分暨复原后的句子为主从复合句,回补后的成分是由Although引导的从句作让步状语,主语是series,并列谓语是premiered和went,creators David Crane and Marta Kauffman"s是主语series的定语修饰,两个时间状语分别修饰两个并列谓语,介词短语off the air作went的状语。3. 小结:




The impact factor, a number calculated annually for each scienti c journal based on the average number of times its articles have been referenced in other articles, was never intended to be used to evaluate individual scientists, but rather as a measure of journal quality.


1. 简化结构:

The impact factor, ..., was never intended ..., ....

简化后的句子是简单句,主语是The impact factor,谓语was never intended。

2. 回补成分:

2.1 The impact factor, ..., was never intended to be used to evaluate individual scientists, but rather as a measure of journal quality.

回补后的成分是动词不定式短语to be used to evaluate individual scientists作目的状语,其所包含的另一个动词不定式to evaluate individual scientists作to be used的状语,连词but 和前面否定副词never连用接rather as a measure of journal quality形成并列目的状语。

2.2The impact factor, a number calculated annually for each scientic journal based on the average number of times..., was never intended to be used to evaluate individual scientists, but rather as a measure of journal quality.

继续回补成分,a number是名词作factor的同位语,其后相继连接后置定语, calculated annually for each scientific journal是过去分词短语作定语修饰number, based on the average number of times是第二个过去分词短语作定语修饰journal。

2.3The impact factor, a number calculated annually for each scientic journal based on the average number of times its articles have been referenced in other articles, was never intended to be used to evaluate individual scientists, but rather as a measure of journal quality.

最后回补成分,还原全部句子,its articles have been referenced in other articles是定语修饰times,其中,the average number of times既在前面的定语中作介词on的宾语,又在定语从句中作状语。

3. 小结:

本句比较长且复杂,比较明显的是,主句的主语和谓语被带有三个叠加后置定语的同位语分隔开,谓语之后的并列状语比较长,同时,定语从句its articles have been referenced in other articles和the average number of times不太容易辨别清楚,因此,分隔成分长,修饰成分多造成信息量偏多,传递不畅,理解比较困难。
