
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-01-13 04:44:01

一,今天是个大晴天 太阳愿意理人间。

Today is a sunny day. The sun is willing to manage the world


What"s my boyfriend doing? Why ignore me? Is it because I don"t have a boyfriend?


If you are not careful, your weight will be three digits

四,长得帅的叫海王 长得不帅的叫水鬼。

The handsome one is called the sea king, and the handsome one is called the water ghost

五,白天憨憨脑 晚上恋爱脑 深夜豆腐脑。

Handy brain during the day, love brain at night, tofu brain at night

六,也没有多喜欢你 就是今天的小熊饼干好香想带给你。

I don"t like you much, but today"s BearBiscuit smells good and I want to bring it to you


I"ll give myself to you. It"s cute, but I can"t afford it.

八,我姓李 别人一找我聊天我就容易疯 所以我叫李易疯。

My last name is Li. I get crazy when people talk to me, so my name is Li Yi crazy

九,能不能转账给我买点草莓 下次还你脖子上。

Can you transfer money to buy me some strawberries and return them to your neck next time

十,今日幸福秘诀:吃饱 然后躺下。

The secret of happiness today: eat and lie down

十一,我要和你打王者 玩妲己 输赢无所谓 主要是想在你后面放小心心。

I want to play king with you, da ji. It doesn"t matter whether I win or lose. I just want to be careful behind you


I"m a tree, and I want to plant it in your hand because you are earthy

十三,羡慕有故事的人 不像我一个“美”字贯穿一生。

People who envy stories don"t have the word "beauty" as I do throughout my life

十四,有个词叫悬溺 读快点就叫喜欢你。

There is a word called drowning. Reading quickly means liking you


A woman is a creature who can"t stand any injustice. I just told my mother that breakfast was a little salty, and she was going to send me to Metamorphosis.

十六,肚肚圆圆 生活甜甜 肚肚胖胖 生活旺旺。

Du du yuan yuan life sweet du du pang pang life wangwang


Oh, my God. Grandma Zu, someone called me black. Is this black? I"m blown up. If I don"t blow up, I"ll be burnt. If I"m burnt, I"ll be black. I don"t know anything.
