
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-01-13 06:20:01


Three points frivolous, seven points deep, in order to remain invincible.

(2)没有你的世界,就像没有暑假的八月 ,没有你的世界,就像没有笑容的圣诞老人。

The world without you is like August without summer vacation. The world without you is like Santa Claus without smile.


Don"t always complain that god is unfair to you. In fact, god doesn"t know who you are.


You are in my special interest, but not in my latest visitor.


No matter how beautiful or ugly I am, she always thinks I am the best and the best. She always compromises when I am capricious and always accepts everything when I lose my temper.


What are you afraid of, at least not happy.


You have to save your loveliness, your kindness, and your bravery. As the world gets worse, I just hope you get better.


If you decide to do something, stop asking yourself and others if it"s worth it.Willing to be taken for granted, taken for granted will be.


The congee of early morning is better than the wine of late night to drink, the person that cheats you than the person that loves you can say, do not love with ear so, good to you truly all is detail.


Life is a full of holes in the net, the so-called classmate party, is after many years to all the people present a chance, to see what is called the vicissitudes of life, to see what is called years like a knife, to see what is not.


No one can live without another. Even a fish without water can be roasted and eaten.


You think this is the trough of your life, in fact, you have a lot of room to fall.

