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故作伤感的爱情短句 高级又治愈(护你天真)

句子大全 2023-01-14 07:18:02

Love is too true, too easy to sacrifice, too easy to sink, too easy to be desperate, full of scars, I am too stupid, knowing that you are the wrong person, knowing that this is not fate, but I am still desperate, knowing that love is not reliable, but I still try my best to jump in.


Alone in such a big city, I have no purpose to find and walk.


Believing that love can change a person is not only the advantage of youth, but also the sorrow of youth. A prodigal son is always a prodigal son. What makes a man change may be God"s love or Buddha"s compassion, but it will never be a woman. Often it is not a woman who changes a prodigal son, but a woman who just appears when the prodigal son wants to change.


When you shouldn"t deny yourself, give up yourself and think that you are no different from the sandstorm in the crowd. Standing at the intersection of wind and crowd, the quiet breathing covers up the wind and noise. See the wind blow away fallen leaves and dust on the ground. And I"m still standing here. Wind can blow away dust, but it can"t blow away me. By contrast, how small is the power of wind, which proves that I am not dust.


Some years later, I will go with you to live in a sparsely populated town below the mountain. Climb to the top of a high mountain in the morning and go down to the market to buy vegetables and fruits. Cook and clean. Read a book in the afternoon. Drink and chat under the apricot blossom tree at night until the moonlight and dew are cool and refreshing. In my dream, I went to the lush empty valley of Pteris rockii, where the birds sounded crisp, the seeds on the trees cracked, and I slept together after being tired under the trees. When I woke up, I was young and you were not old.


The world of mortals and tears, the vicissitudes of life have become tired, going back and forth, repeatedly, once again set foot on this land, with different intentions, different dreams, and an old look, only because of different times of appreciation. Brush the sleeves of clothes, it is especially cool to touch the water, and the water is different. Overlooking pinglan, a river is misty and rainy, drunk in it, lotus pond is full of water, splashing a lonely lotus shadow, and my thoughts are slow and gentle. Put the wine in the wind and place yourself in the south of the Yangtze River. Dust shrouded, in the quiet autumn, spilled half acacia.


Actually, I"ve been behind you all the time, and I just need you to turn around.


Many years later, one night, will you suddenly think of me and then burst into tears, only to find that you owe me too much?


I believe that after pessimistic life, there is hope. No matter how long the road is, both feet can tread. I believe that my shoulders can bear the weight of life. No matter how hard and long life is, remember a simple truth. There is no longer road than feet under the sun. Life may be sad in autumn, but now it is every autumn, smiling quietly and walking by.


I always believe that people who start to live more seriously inside will also start to live more simply on the outside. In an age of extravagance and waste, I hope to show the world that what mankind really needs is very little.

