
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-01-15 06:15:01


1.calm/ quiet


① The sea is now calm. 海上现在风平浪静。

② He remained calm. 他保持镇静。


① Everything was quiet.万籁俱寂。

② Ask them to keep quiet. 叫他们保持安静。

2.can/ be able to

Ⅰ. can “能”表过去或现在“能力所及”时,与be able to 通用。如:

① He can / is able to speak German. 他会说德语。

② He could / was able to run very fast when I was a boy. 我小时候就跑得很快。

Ⅱ. be able to 的过去时还可表一种“经过努力做到了”的意思。而can的过去时则没有这种意义。如:

He started late, but he was able to catch the eight o’clock train. 他出发晚了,但他还是赶上了八点钟的火车。

Ⅲ.can 通常只用于上述两种时态,而be able to 则可用于各种时态。如:

He has not been able to come since he got hurt.自从受伤以后,他就一直未能前来。

Ⅳ. 在表猜测时,只能用can,而不能用be able to ,如:

That can’t be your bag. 那不可能是你的书包。

3.can/ may


① Canyou swim across the Yangzi River? 你能横渡扬子江吗?

② He canspeak English. 他会说英语。

③ I can’tcome at that time. 我不能在那个时候来。

④ Canthe news be true? 这消息会是真的吗?

⑤ -----Can’tI go? 我可不可以走?

-----You cannot! 你不可以走。


① That mayor may not be ture. 那可能是真的,也可能不是真的。

② He maybe right. 他可能是对的。

③ You maytake this book, I don’t need it. 你可以拿走这本书,我不需要了。

④ MayI go now? 我现在可以走了吗?

4.cap/ hat


① He always wears a blue cap. 他总是戴着一顶蓝帽子。

② How I wished I could have a cap, a real soldier’s cap! 我多么想要一顶帽子,一顶真正的军帽!


① Hatin hand , he came towards me. 他手拿着帽子,向我走来。

② These hatsare in fashion. 这些帽子很时髦。

5.care (about) / take care of/ care for

Ⅰ.take care of“照料=look after,即指喂饭照看等。如:

① Nurses take care of patients in hospital.


① Mr Savage takes care ofmarketing and publicity. 萨维奇先生负责销售和宣传。

Ⅱ.care about表你是否认为某件事是重要的,某件事是否引起了你的兴趣或使你忧虑,常用于疑问句或否定句中,后接从句时,about一般都要省略。如:

I don’t carewhether it rains, I’m happy. 我才不在乎下不下雨呢,我快活着呢。

Ⅲ.care for 有以下几种意思


She spent the best years of her life caring forher sick father. 她把一生中最好的岁月都用来照料她那有病的父亲了。

2)“关怀”“关心”如:care for the younger generation 关怀年轻的一代

3)“喜欢、愿意”(多用在疑问句或否定句中)[care forsb. to do sth.] 如:

① Would you care fora cup of tea? 你喜欢喝一杯茶吗?

② I don’t/shouldn’t care forhim to read this letter. 我不愿让他看这封信。

6.carry on/ carry out/ carry through

Ⅰ.carry on的意思是“进行、继续”,如:

① I tried tocarry on a conversation in English, but could not. 我想用英语进行谈话,但是力不从心。

② He told them to carry on. 他叫他们继续进行。

③ Carry on(with) your work. 继续你的工作。

Ⅱ.carry out的意思是“贯彻、执行;完成、实现”,如:

① Sometimes it’s easy to make plans but difficult to carrythem out. 有时候作计划容易而执行计划却很难。

② Our plan was carried outsuccessfully. 我们的计划胜利地完成。

Ⅲ.carry through 的意思是“完成-----,将-----进行到底;使(人)战胜困难,渡过难关。如:

① Carry the revolution throughto the end. 将革命进行到底。

② His courage will carry him through. 他的勇气使他战胜困难,渡过难关。

7.cause/ reason


① Thecause of the fire was carelessness. 起火的原因是不小心。

② What was the causeof it? 发生这事是原因何在?

③ There’s no causefor anxiety. 没有理由要焦虑(不必焦虑)。


① I have no reasonfor it. 我没有理由这样做。

② Give your reasonfor changing the plan. 把你改变计划的理由讲一下。

8.centre/ middle


① Draw a circle round a given centre. 就指定的中心画一圆圈。

② We live in the centreof London. 我们住在伦敦市中心。

③ Beijing is the political, economic and cultural centreof China. 北京是中国的政治、经济和文化中心。


① In the middle of the room stands a table. 房间当中摆着一张桌子。

② He was standing in themiddle of the road. 他站在路中间。

③ It will be coming into bloom about the middleof next month. 它大约将在下月中开花。

9.certain/ sure


如:Manchester are certain/sureto win.(The other team haven’t got a chance.)曼彻斯特队肯定会赢。(另一队连一点希望都没有)

2) Before the game stared, Alan felt quite sure/certain of winning, but after the first five minutes he began to lose confidence. 比赛开始前,艾伦感到很有把握赢,但比赛了5分钟后他开始失去信心了。

10.certainly/ surely



① Surelythat’s a plain-clothes policeman. 那一定是一个便衣警察。=Can that really be a plain-policeman.

② Surelythat’s Henry over there? I thought he was in Scotland. 那边谅必是亨利,我还以为他在苏格兰呢?


Surely,you aren’t going out in that hat? 你决不会戴那顶帽子去吧。

Ⅱ. certainly 表所了解的情况. 如:

That’s certainlya plain-clothes policeman. 那肯定是个便衣警察。(说话者认出了他是个便衣,因为很有信心,肯定地说出了这句话。)

11.chicken/ cock/ hen


① Chickens pip. 小鸡吱吱叫。

② He feeds 10,000 chickenson his farm.

③ We had chicken for lunch.


① Cocks crow at dawn. 天亮时公鸡喔喔叫。


A hencackles when she lays an egg. 母鸡生蛋时咯咯地叫。

[注]鸡窝译为hen coop,鸡舍译为hen house。这里的hen笼统地代表鸡。

12.choose/ select/ elect


① You may choosefrom among them the one you like best. 你可以从它们中间挑选最喜欢的一个。

② Let me choose a book from among these. 让我从这些书中选一本。


I didn’t choose to go. 我不愿意去。


① The finest products were selectedand sent to the exhibition. 选择了最好的产品送到展览会去。

② They were selectedfrom among many applicants. 他们是从许多报名者当中挑选出来的。


They electedhim chairman. 他们选举他当主席。

这里如果改用choose/select,那就着重于选择的意义,不一定是正式选举,整个句子应为:Theychosehim as their chairman.

[注] pick 一词也可以表示挑选、选择的意思,含有仔细挑选的意味,有时也表示任意挑选的意思。如:

Pick the best one. 挑选最好的吧。

13.city/ town


① Shanghai is a big city. 上海是一个大城市。

② Beijing is one of the oldestcities in the world. 北京是世界上最古老的城市之一。


① The townis on the bank of a river. 那个城市位于河边。

② Whould you rather live in a townor in the country?你喜欢住在城市还是农村?

14.pleasant / please / pleased /pleasing / pleasure

Ⅰ. pleasant为形容词, “令人愉快的” “令人舒适的” 主要指使人心满意足,将快乐给予他人的性格、活动氛围、状态或场合,也可用于事物。如

① She has a pleasantvoice. 她的声音悦耳。

② The weather there is not very pleasant.那儿的天气不太宜人。

Ⅱ. pleased 为形容词,“感到高兴”,相当于glad 或 happy,后面可接不定式、at doing, with sth或 that 从句。

① We are very pleased to see you here. 我们很高兴在这儿见到你。

② I am pleased that they have dedided to come. 我很高兴他们决定来。

③ He was pleased with my progress.他对我的进步感到满意。

Ⅲ. pleasing “令人喜欢的;令人愉快的”主语一般是物。如①She has got a pleasingvoice.. 她的声音很悦耳。

Ⅳ. Pleasure 是名词,大多用于客套语中。如:

① I have had the pleasure of meeting your father before.我以前有幸见过令尊。

② --Will you lend me a hand? --With pleasure.请你帮一下忙好吗? 好的。

Ⅴ. please 是及物动词,常用于祈使句语气,意为“请”

Please give me a cup of tea. 请给我一杯茶。

[注]:口语中,Yes, please! 好的,谢谢!对应 No, thanks.不用了,谢谢!

15.clever/ wise/ bright/ smar



① He is a cleverboy.

② That’a aclever plan.


① a wisesaying 至理名言

② a wiseleader 英明的领袖


the brightboy is reading English in the bright room.


You can’t cheat him, because he is a smart boy.你骗不了他,因为他是个聪明的孩子。

16.climate/ weather


① The climatehere is bad. 这儿气候恶劣。

② The climateof China is very enjoyable spring. 中国春天的气候很宜人。


① What is the weatherlike today? 今天天气整样?

② I will come if I can, but it depends on the weather.如果可能我一定来,但要看天气如何。

17.close/ near/ nearby/ next to

Ⅰ. close “接近的,靠近”;还有“亲密的,密切的”含义,用法与near 类似,可指距离上、时间上或次序上紧接。也可用于引申含义,表关系或感情上的“亲近的”,可用作形容词或副词。如:

① Mother’s Day is close(=near) . 母亲节快到了。

② They are sitting quite close(=near) to each other. 他们坐得很靠近。

③ She and I are closefriends.她和我是亲密的朋友。

[注]:near 当作形容词时,与close含义和用法相同,表距离近,都用be near / close to +地点。但close 只能作形容词,而near 还可作介词使用,此时near不可再与to搭配。如:

①I live near (=close to) the factory.

Ⅱ. nearby 主要指空间上的附近,一般指较大范围。可用作形容词、副词或介词。如:

① They live in the nearby village. 他们住在附近的村庄。

② There was a traffic accident nearby. 在附近发生了一起车祸。

Ⅲ. next to 意思是“与……相邻,紧靠着”与be close to 很接近,但next to 强调距离上“紧邻”。

① Our school is next toa supermarket. 我们学校紧挨着一家超市。

② Our school is close toa supermarket. 我们学校距离一家超市很近。

18.close/ shut


① Did you closeall the doors and windows? 你把所有的门窗都关了吗?

② Closeyour eyes. 把眼睛闭上。

③ Do you mind if I closethis window? 我把这窗子关起来好吗?

Ⅱ.shut的意思是“关、关闭”,常常可与close通用,但它比close意味较强。比如说toclose a door or gate时,仅指把门关上;而说to shut a door or gate时,则可以进而指用门闩、插销或其它东西把门关住。此外,shut 还往往不如close正式。如:

① They shut the doors and windows. 他们关住了门窗。

② Shutthe box. 把箱子关起来。

③ Shut the door after you. 随手关门。

19.Chinese / of China

Ⅰ. Chinese “中国式的,具有中国特色的”作形容词时只能作前置定语。主要从物与物的角度看待事物。如:

I like Chinesefood. 我喜欢中国风味的食品。

Ⅱ. of China “中国的;属于中国的”为所有格式,表所属关系。作后置定语。

Please show me a map of China.请给我拿幅中国地图。

20.colth/clothes/ clothing/ dress/suit

Ⅰ. cloth 指做衣服等用的布料,如“布;毛料”等,是不可数名词。表达“一块布料”应说a piece of cloth,如:

① Different kinds of clothare produced in that factory. 那家工厂生产各种各样的布料。

② My aunt bought me two pieces of clothyesterday. 我姑妈昨天给我买两块布。

③ 但是,用于表达特殊用途的布时,如“台布;揩布”等,cloth是可数名词。如:Pass me a tablecloth, please. 请递给我一块台布。

Ⅱ. clothes “衣服”,没有单数形式,不能单独与数词直接搭配。如不能说hour clothes, 但可以说many/ these/ a few clothes,它总是以复数形式出现,因此只能说: The clothes are… 如:

① All of her clothes were made by her mother. 她所有的衣服都是她母亲做的。

② There are many new clotheson sale. 有许多新衣服出售。

Ⅲ. clothing 意思也是“衣服”, 但它与clothes 不同,不是指具体的和件件的衣服,而是指衣着的整体而言。如:

① They were all in their summer clothing.他们都穿夏天的服装。

② Each child has ample clothing.每个孩子都有足够的衣服。

Ⅳ. dress通常指外面穿的衣服。一般指妇女和儿童服装,还指礼服或某种特殊的服装。是可数名词。如:

① Who’s that girl in red dress?穿红衣服的那位姑娘是谁?

② What size dressdo you wear? 你穿几号衣服?

③ He doesn’t care much about dress? 他不太讲究衣着。(他不讲穿)。

④ He is in full dress.他穿着礼服。

Ⅴ. suit 通常指用同样布料或衣料做成的一套衣服。如:

① She was wearing a red suit. 她穿着一套红西装。

② He wanted very much to get a new suitand throw off his old clothes. 他很想买一套新衣服,好赶快脱掉他的旧衣服。

21.collect/ gather


① He gatheredhis books and notebooks. 他把书和笔记本收集在一起。

② She gatheredthe children round her. 她把孩子们聚集在她的周围。

③ A crowd soon gathered round him. 一群人很快就聚集在他的周围。

④ He is gatheringinformation. 他在搜集情报。


① He is collectingmaterial for a book. 他正在聚集写书的资料。

② I have collectedsome famous pictures. 我收集了一些名画。

③ A crowd soon collectedwhen there was a car accident. 发生了车祸的时候,立即就有一群人聚拢起来。

22.college/ institute/ university


① There are many colleges at Oxford and Cambridge. 牛津大学和剑桥大学有很多学院。

② There are several teachers’ collegesin Jiangsu Province. 江苏省有几所师范学院。

Ⅱ.institute也可以表示学院的意思,但它通常指专科性(专门的)学院,如外语学院(institute of foreign languages)、体育学院(physical culture institute)、航空学院(aeronautical engineering institute)等,如:

① He graduated from an instituteof foreign trade. 他是外贸学院毕业的。

② She is a student of a chemical engineering institute.她是化工学院的学生。


He graduated from Yale in 1915.他1915年从耶鲁大学毕业。

23.competition/ game/ match

Ⅰ. competition “比赛、竞争”,指体能、技术、能力的竞争。

He won a drawing competition.他在图画比赛中获胜。

Ⅱ. game “比赛”指有一定规则,且决定胜负的脑力和体力劳动的“竞技”。如:

There is going to be a football gametomorrow afternoon.

Ⅲ. match 多指网球、足球、高尔夫球等运动项目的“比赛”。

The golf matchwill he held tomorrow morning.

24.complete/ finish


① He has completed his task. 他已完成他的工作。

② The railway is not completedyet. 铁路尚未完工。


① Have you finishedyour work yet? 你的工作做完了没有?

② I finishedreading the book last night. 我昨晚看完了这本书。

③ The picture is finished.这幅画画好了。

25.conceal/ hide

Ⅰ. conceal “隐藏、隐瞒”常与hide通用;但比hide正式些,多指有意将某事物隐藏起来或不予以泄漏。它只用作及物动词。如:

① The box was concealedunder the bed.箱子是藏在床底下的。

② He concealed his moteves. 他隐瞒了他的动机。

Ⅱ. hide “隐藏、掩盖、躲藏”为普通用语。指有意或无意地将某物(或人)藏(躲)在人们不易看到或发现的地方。可作及物动词和不及物动词。如:

① Where did you hide it? 你把它藏到哪里了?

② He cannot hidethe truth. 他不能掩盖真相。

③ The moon was hideen by the clouds. 月亮被云彩遮住了。

26.cost/ spend/ pay/ take

Ⅰ.cost 指某东西“值……钱”;“需要花费……钱/ 精力”等,它的主语一般为表示东西的名词,不能为表示人的名词,作及物动词和名词。可接双宾语,无被动语态。如:

① I’ll bet that dress costa thousand dollars.我敢说那件衣服得花1000美元。

② The chair costme thirty yuan.这把椅子花了我30元。

③ The building of the dam costmany lives. 修建这个水坝使许多人丧生。(使花(某种代价);使损失)

④ Bad driving may cost you your life.开车技术不行可能使你丢掉性命。

⑤ 作名词时意为“花费;成本”→The costof the house was too high for me.这房子的价钱太高,我买不起。


① at all costs 不惜一切代价,—→The officer told the soldiers that they must defend the townat all costs.军官对士兵们说要不惜一切代价保卫这座城市。

② at the cost of 以……为代价。

→1). He finished the work at the cost of his health. 他完成了这项工作,但失去了健康。

→2). She saved him from fire, but at the cost of her own life. 她从火中把他救出,但她自己却牺牲了。

③ cost of living 生活费用。

—→As the cost of living goes up my standard of living goes down. 生活费用越上涨,我的生活水准越降低。

Ⅱ.spend 的主语经常是人, 用来表示人花钱买东西或花时间做某事,

人+spend+时间/金钱+on sth.

人+spend+时间/金钱+(in)doing sth.如:

① I spend5 yuan on the book.我买这书花五元钱。

② The boy spent10 minutes drawing a dog.那个男孩花了10分钟画一只狗。

Ⅲ.pay “支付,花费”,主语只能是人且只用于花费金钱,其结构是: pay + sb + some money + for sth. “为……付给某人多少钱” 其中的人、钱、事,可以根据具体情况取舍。如:

① I paid (him)5 yuan. 我付(给他)5元钱。

② I paid him 5 yuan for the book. 我买那本书付给了他五元钱。

③ I paid him for the book. 我买那本书付给了他钱。

④ I paid for the book. 我付了那本书的钱。

Ⅳ.take 也可表“花费时间和金钱”,(一般只指花费时间)

其常用结构为:It +take(各种时态)+time/money+to do sth. 如

It tookme three hours to finish the work.







